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My wife think there's something wrong with me.....

After getting into DE shaving I've been going to the bathroom just to make a bowl or five with lather, just to perfect my lathering skills. And everytime I get a new soap, I make a couple of test bowls befoore I try shaving with it.
My wife thinks that I'm not right put together doing this, but i try to tell her it's important to make it right.

Is there anyone else who does this, or did when first start DE shaving?

Or am I really wierd?
I do it more often when I have a new brush to break in, but its totally normal. This is just your new toy and your enjoying it. Its like in high school that girl you knew for years who never got your attention became a WOMAN overnight, got your attention, and then you played with her for months :laugh: At least thats how it was for me. I hated shaving for so long, the absurdity alone, that I would enjoy it was enough to make me play like a little kid for a while.
I think your wife was just looking for an excuse to tell you you're crazy :lol:...and this is it.

Don;t worry...she'll get used to it. pretty soon, she come to you saying: "Oooohhhh. I like the smell of that. Are you gonna use it all?". It's then that you will need to hide things :lol:
I make lather just for the smell. You are not alone.

+1 I tend to go crack open a couple tubs now and again to get a whiff. Though I have made up a bath for the same reason. I get cravings for Mama Bear Masculine Musk. Some days I'd rather stay away, but others I cant get enough of this one.
I only make extra lather that I don't use to break in a new boar. The reason my wife married me in the first place is because she thought I was a little crazy. I think she is in fact quite happy with my shaving weirdness because it is so harmless, cute and manly at the same time.
I think your wife was just looking for an excuse to tell you you're crazy :lol:...and this is it.

Don;t worry...she'll get used to it. pretty soon, she come to you saying: "Oooohhhh. I like the smell of that. Are you gonna use it all?". It's then that you will need to hide things :lol:

That I'm a bit crazy is a well known secret, but it might be that she feel a need to tell me sometimes. :tongue_sm
I don't do that - but my routine of making uberlather with all of the necessary ingredients seems to have the same impact on her. However, she has stopped asking me why I don't use the canned garbage any more, if that is any consolation.
I don't do the lather thing, but I still wander into my bathroom every now & then of an evening, open a few tubs of soap, sniff them, & go on my merry way. And yeah, my wife thinks I'm crazy.

...but she REALLY lets me know what she thinks whenever she sees me taking a picture of my SotD. I'm just happy I can provide some comic relief. :001_cool:
No, you are not crazy. Mine looks at me the same way when I am looking at my soaps/creams trying to decided on what to use in the morning.:thumbup1:
Zephyr my friend.

+1 on what everyone said. You are doing what all of us do on our free time!
It is a rare thing in today's world that a man devotes time for this great art!

I personally think that your wife should be reading this thread to realize that you are among gentlemen who share the same passion for wet shaving.

We do it because we like it and because we are artists, period! :thumbup:

P.S.: I'm heading for my SD right now to make a few bowls and sniff the perfumes of manhood! haha.:thumbup:

Take care sir.
I hear, "I just don't understand this whole shaving obsession," at least once a day, usually when browsing the forum or taking a SOTD photo. However, I think she is totally tuned in to how much I like it and she has already purchased a scuttle for me. The lists of soaps/creams/preshave oil/after shaves to buy that I have posted around the house are actually gift lists for her, but she doesn't know it! Who's crazy now!!
Ive made up test lather just to do it. I once shaved just before bed just because i felt the urge to shave. Sometimes il lather up some menthol cream and apply it to my face for the sole purpose of getting to feel that menthol coolness.
I usually fondle a razor or two after doing some other business in the bathroom, never whipped up a lather for the sake of it though, I think I'd be tempted to sneak in an extra shave:001_cool:
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