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My Wife Called Me "The M Word"

Start hiding her shoes all around the house especially the 14 pairs she has in the colour black, mismatch them into various pairs too and then when she asks about her shoes, blame it on the dog/kids and say, You're such a girl with all those shoes!

Oh and you know she is telling ALL her girlfriends about you!
You know all this talk about Metrosexual is making me uncomfortable.
I figure that having called you a what ever you now have the right to do manly things.
watch a ball game with the guy's drink beer, drive around in a pick up truck.
Get yourself a hunting rifle and a shot gun.

If your wife complains just look at her and tell her that you are no girl man.

The sad fact of the matter is that the guys in those pictures probably expend 3 to 4 times the amount of time, money, effort and products to look unkempt than anyone here at B&B does to look neat and clean. :lol:

“It takes a lot of money to look this cheap.” Dolly Parton
As for my shave, I shower, face lather from the mug, make 2 or 3 passes, rinse & splash on an AS for the scent. For the occasional nick I'll use my styptic pencil. Talc is a must. Not so much for the shave, but summers in Mississippi are torture.

How does talc help with summer heat? I, interested. Don't know much about talc powder
How does talc help with summer heat? I, interested. Don't know much about talc powder

Man says to store clerk: "Could you direct me to the talcum powder?"
Store Clerk: "Yes Sir. Just walk this way."
Man: "If I could walk that way I wouldn't need any talcum powder."
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As for talking in the bathroom, there's only 5 things I do in the bathroom and not one of them is talking.
Bwahahahaha my fiancé calls his shave time quiet time and he DEFINITELY uses more product on his face than me....PERIOD, but I will say, I find it rather sexy...and manly....then again you are talking about a woman that makes her own laundry soap and lives her life like she's in the early 50s...so maybe you shouldn't ask me
Sitting here chuckling to myself... For her next Bday gift, add a you and hers manicure in the card. When she goffs tell her it for her and daughter or friend. You have to be ready with the camera though to get that oming out of the closet face expression and post it here.


"A Boy Named Sue"
I am going to have nightmares of this for days.

Thank you all for the comments. I'm sitting here at work reading them and giggling uncontrollably, with an occasional guffaw. My co-workers can't figure out what is so funny.

You're the one that's funny we're just pilling on.:lol:

She likes to watch me shave. She thinks it's kind of hot. I've been married for 20 years. I'll take what I can get. :thumbup:

A wise man! :thumbup1:

This thread starting to look like that time Alex went and Prince-bombed the pin-up thread....

Sorry, Alex, but I have to agree with Haggises on this one! :laugh:
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