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My Wife Called Me "The M Word"

I think it's just a sign of the current times.
Folks have gotten so used to people who look like they just crawled out from a bunker that anyone who doesn't must be over-doing it.

I don't care what anyone says, I do not want to look like this;

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My dad never looked like that a day in his life and all he ever used was a razor and a can of goo. I think the "metrosexual" comes in when you're using pre/post shave products with a bunch of stuff in between.
This thread made me laugh out loud. :lol:

It also reminded me of a recent comment SWMBO made:

"You spend more on "shaving" (air quotes used) stuff than I have ever spent on make-up"

For the record, the correct response to her comment is not "...and you spend more on wine than I spend on shaving stuff" :lol:

Good thing we're both good sports! Haha
Great read!!!

Did i mention water everywhere?

I use 3 towels around the sink. The one in the front is a cut down bathmat (thick, absorbent but only 1/3 of the old mat). I use the cut bathmat to wipe down the mirror, walls, counter AND the sink. My shave den is always operating room spotless after I finish shaving.



My elbows leak
Staff member
My dad never looked like that a day in his life and all he ever used was a razor and a can of goo. I think the "metrosexual" comes in when you're using pre/post shave products with a bunch of stuff in between.

The sad fact of the matter is that the guys in those pictures probably expend 3 to 4 times the amount of time, money, effort and products to look unkempt than anyone here at B&B does to look neat and clean. :lol:
Ah! the Hollywood "grunge is cool" look. The M word is a bit tacky in my opinion, but did think your post was well written and funny. The skin on my face just feels good after shaving and I use a number of after-shave balms and such. I don't carry a purse or wear skinny jeans, and I am likely to be seen in boot cut jeans, a button down collar shirt worn un-tucked, my well worn Texas Tech cap, and a pair of old Bass boots that are like old friends. My wife calls it the sporty look. We were in Paris last year and I did get a few looks from well dressed Parisians. I think they felt sorry for me (did dress up for dinners) ;^)
Both of my grandfathers took time to dress and clean themselves up, and both were blue collar fellas, one a prison guard and the other ran a printing press for a large organization. They were what you used to call "Uniform Men", uniforms clean and pressed, shoes shined and ready to go. Both used some sort of product in their hair, both had a morning routine, were always clean shaven, and both thought their clothes should be modest but present well. They may have never used the word pre-shave, but they might have done it and called it something else. And I bet they might would have if given the option today. The just-got-out-bed luck is for boys, not men.

And, by the way, those talcum powders are life savers here in the hot South.
Agree 100% There is something wrong that society views masculinity as being haphazard in look or dress. There is nothing wrong with a man looking sharp and making sure of it. It used to be the norm.
In fact, the most masculine man I can think of is James Bond(Sean Connery ftw) There was NEVER anything haphazard or sloppy about the way he was groomed, looked or dressed. Immaculate is the word that comes to mind for me.
Does Bond use a pre-shave or AS balm? Don't know, don't care. None of my business.
For the record, my preshave is hot towels. I occassionally use AS balm, sometimes not. If I felt like using any of that, or anything else, I would. And don't care who knows it. Most people's perception of things is skewed anyway. Doesn't surprise me that they have come up with fancy descriptive terms to describe their own perception of things masculine. Everybody's a legend in their own mind.Doesn't mean their fancy little labels have any accuracy at all when it comes to describing who I, or anyone else, actually is.


My elbows leak
Staff member
And the interesting part here - I'm sure it took about 45min to an hour to get this "rolled out of bed" look, LOL.

NO it took a full makup and wardrobe crew hours to put that "look" together

The sad fact of the matter is that the guys in those pictures probably expend 3 to 4 times the amount of time, money, effort and products to look unkempt than anyone here at B&B does to look neat and clean. :lol:

I think we're on the same page, and those guys aren't fooling anyone. :lol:
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I would ask my wife if she was looking to trade me in for a NON-Hollywood guy that looked like those two if she said something to me. I feel there is a time. And place for looking like that, and it is typically a Saturday evening after cutting down trees, stacking hay in the barn, and splitting wood for the fireplace. Of course the shower and shave come right after that so I can cuddle up with said wife in front of the fireplace and watch my hard work go up in smoke.

If you break out mud masks, eye cream, and schedule mani/pedis with POLISH, then she should be concerned.

i used to add glycerin to my cream/soap before lathering in a bowl. now i no longer do that, if my soap or cream is not thick, moisturizing or sleek enough, i have bought the wrong product. a good soap should be able to give enough protection without adding another product to it. if i have irritation or razor burn after shaving, i blame it on my technique or my blades. nowadays i only use aftershave, because i want the smell. not that my skin needs it. my pre-shave is just shower and moist my face while i make the lather. ymmv
+1. Exactly my experience and opinion.
Great post! I chuckled all the way through because my wife and I have had similar conversations.... Enjoy your shaves, forget everything else!
She likes to watch me shave. She thinks it's kind of hot. I've been married for 20 years. I'll take what I can get. :thumbup:

Post of the day!! It's fantastic the two of you have a relationship like that. Me and mine do as well, it makes life grand!
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