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My Wife Called Me "The M Word"

Great story. Just started wet shaving myself and i actually felt the same way as your wife while reading some people's routines. I personally only use a shower, lather, and after shave with no other prep or after products. However, everyone is different, some people's skin needs more treatment to receive a smooth shave and there's nothing wrong with that. My skin happens to be very tough and not sensitive at all. However, to your wife's point maybe using less products could have just the same affect and save money on that long run. I say give it a shot, but do what's best for you.


"A Boy Named Sue"

$Cary Grant.jpg

As for talking in the bathroom, there's only 5 things I do in the bathroom and not one of them is talking.
Well, first of all, I think your wife sounds like a very sharp & witty woman, and one that I would agree with.

I believe there are too many levels of shaving steps people have adopted. It's a shave, not a spa date with the ladies. :001_rolle

No offense to anyone, but a good razor, blade, cream/soap and water is all you really need. I would add a brush in there, but heck, you could even get a perfect shave without one!

What I listed is what I use, and I could never get a better shave with any additional steps/products.


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
Nothing wrong at all with the scruffy look, it's just not for me. I do, however, prefer comfortable jeans, T-shirt, beat up cowboy boots and vest of many pockets; absolutely hate ties and jackets on me; fine for others. I do look good in a suit on those few occasions I wear one, weddings and funerals, occasional date, but only if I'm going to a nice place for dinner. I'm far more annoyed by people who can't spell, use good grammar or tell time on an analog clock (yes, I do know a few people like that)
My wife likes to tease me about shaving. But if I wait a bit to shave she asks me "aren't you going to shave today?" Last Sunday I was late and I said (jokingly but she didn't know it) I would shave after church. She said if I didn't shave we could go in separate cars and to please sit somewhere else.
Just tell her that back in the day they use to smoke in hospitals and start cars with a crank. As with this day and age you are useing the new and improved way of doing things! Air quotes are optional.
My shower and shave time is my own. My wife understands my my need for personal time, even though it takes me longer then her to get ready.
Retosexual BAH HUMBUG! I am Old School , Shirt tucked in shoes polished Flat top and a good shave. 2-3 knives in my belt and pockets a clean pressed hankie and pocket change. Some days I take longer like the weekends but most of the time it is down up and rinse.
Let your beard grow a few days until she says something. Then use a flaming stick, tapping it against your face, removing the hair. As she watches in horror, ask if that method is in The Metrosexual Handbook.


Needs milk and a bidet!
"Varmint shaving website" :lol: that's the best.

I bet she's right about the pre-shave though.

I can only imagine that conversation with my gramps
"pre-shave? shave before you shave? I don't get it. Lather and razor, what else do ya need for a shave? Oil? Oil goes in automobiles son, not on your face. A creme? Yeah, shaving creme. Pre-shave creme? So you put two cremes on your face? So how do you think the Bears quarterback will do this year?"


"A Boy Named Sue"
I know, start singing songs by Johnny Cash or Merle Haggard in the shower before shaving. There's no metrosexual referenced lyrics anywhere in their songs. It's a good start for the day and keeps you from being called nasty names.
"Varmint shaving website" :lol: that's the best.

I bet she's right about the pre-shave though.

I can only imagine that conversation with my gramps
"pre-shave? shave before you shave? I don't get it. Lather and razor, what else do ya need for a shave? Oil? Oil goes in automobiles son, not on your face. A creme? Yeah, shaving creme. Pre-shave creme? So you put two cremes on your face? So how do you think the Bears quarterback will do this year?"

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My wife says similar things. She really isn't a fan of my new way of shaving. But she's starting to come around when she feels the results.
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