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My Musgo Real experience

Well gents here reporting in on this cream that a lot of people seem to like. I got it as a present from my girlfriend for valentines. I must say that I don't know what people in here are raving about it. I have tried this cream twice with my semogue 1305 and i haven't gotten good results. I have used an ample amount and the lather just doesn't show as much as some other creams. Also there is something about the scent that I don't like, I understand it's a classic scent but it's just not for me. When applying to the face the lather seems too thin, even after adding water to it. I know YMMV and I know this cream is not for me. This cream is gonna go to the BST as soon as I can, see if I'm able to trade it for a partially used tub of TOBS I've been curious about trying it. So gentlemen what do you think about Musgo real?
I think it's great. I get great lather from it. I'm more of a soap person but enjoy it when I use it. I need more product like I need a hole in my head but want to try the Lime Basil version.
I like it too. I didn't get great later from a Semogue boar brush, but my silvertip badger does really well. A little dollup for a great lather.
I felt the same way at first, and for practically the same reasons. There's too much other promising product out there (soaps & creams), to waste your time with something that doesn't work for you. OTOH, I found with Musgo Real; If you start with a brush that's not so wet, and load up a healthy amount, and not be so quick to add too much water... more like a drop or two at a time... and if you work it like a machine, adding less rather than more water than you might think necessary... you'll likely get the creamiest, richest, thickest & slickest lather that you've ever experienced. At that point it'll start to smell great. :)

I'm still learning. I'm sure I've got a ways to go, and plenty of different products to still experience. I suspect that making a great leather requires a slightly different technique from one brand and type of soap or cream to another. I'm not remotely saying they're all of equal potential, but Musgo Real is up there. It's got the goods. I think I'd always like to have some in stock. :) Of course, YMMV.
I've got my very best shaves ever with Musgo Real original. Extremely slick. That being said, there are SO many other options that you shouldn't dwell on it if you want to give it a pass. The lime basil is my favorite of the new scents.
I wanted to like it but it never really lived up to the high expectations. Gave it plenty of chances...ended up PIF.
I like it. The scent is ok. I would like to try some of the new scents.

What works for me is to smear a large drop on both cheeks and face lather it.
Absolutely love it. I find it makes a nice lather in my scuttle and i actually also use a 1305. The scent to me is strong, masculine and earthy - very nice imo..
I found it to lather pretty easily and provide a great shave, unfortunately it irritates my face with a slight burning/tingling sensation that I just don't enjoy. Like others have posted there are many other quality creams that are available that perform as well or better so don't get too worked up about it.
I don't know what the original is supposed to smell like but I have been told it smells nice. I have not shaved with any Musgo Real cream but I would love to try the Oak Moss or Spiced Citrus. If you decide to sell that one I might be interested.
I haven't used Musgo Real for awhile. I got pretty good results when I used it. I found that it likes more water than usual. I love the smell of it and it performs great IMHO. The lanolin in it is what seals the deal for me.
I tried the Musgo original for the first time this morning, and I was amazed at how easy it was for me to generate loads of great lather. Almond size snurdle, Kent BLK4, and a Becker scuttle, plus a fairly good amount of water (I'm thinking a couple of teaspoons total), plus some not-all-that-vigourous mixing, and boom - enough lather for 5 passes, easy. The later was very slick and offered good protection, and I had a great, close shave with no nicks or burn. This is the one cream that I see finding a home in my rotation, along with favorites that all come from the soap category (Tabac, MWF, Wilkinson Sword stick, and QED). Compared to the other creams I have a good bit of experience with - TOBS avocado and Proraso green - this is much better IMO.

I was thrown by the scent at first (medicinal?), but I grew to like it over the course of the shave.

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OP: you just haven't hit the sweet spot yet, but the point is moot if you don't enjoy the scent. It took a few shaves for me to warm up to the scent, but I love the lanolin in it!
I like it too. I didn't get great later from a Semogue boar brush, but my silvertip badger does really well. A little dollup for a great lather.
when I used a boar brush, I was disappointed it didn't fluff up in lathering. It did, however, make a great shave! When badger brush lathering, it was amazing! I love this cream and it's scent. One of the best, I think.
Musgo is one of the items that is always in the den. However, if you don't like the scent, and it doesn't perform for you, move on. I played around with plenty of soaps and creams until I found what works for me. One of the things I have noticed here on B&B is that there are products which many people praise, and others don't. It's always about what works best for you.
Don't let the scent of the cream discourage you from getting the AS Splash. For me the Musgo cream works very nice if I'm using a badger brush the softer the better, and the lanolin in the Musgo cream can cause a slight irritation for some folks so I've been told.
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