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My Guess... 3017

Still going with the MITA sample. This one doesn't want to die! I anticipate it going 2 more days, which is 3 days longer than I had estimated based on my prior Stirling usage.

I hit the big 50 on my white tub of RazoRock XXXt. Surprisingly, it took me several shaves to really dial-in this soap. Generating copious amount of lather was never a problem, it was the quality of said lather that I needed to dial-in. In any case, I have had some excellent/effortless shaves - not quite at the B&M performance level but that's nothing to be ashamed of. I haven't reached the bottom of the container yet, but the soap has gotten softer as it has taken on some water. I'll estimate 15-20 more shaves......I never get these estimations right so it could be another month or so.
Not to get too far ahead of myself, but in Minnesota would you guys start a fall scented soap in September? Or is that too early?

I had plans to use some menthol soap this summer but estimating this tin of Dr Jons might take me all the way through August.


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Not to get too far ahead of myself, but in Minnesota would you guys start a fall scented soap in September? Or is that too early?

I had plans to use some menthol soap this summer but estimating this tin of Dr Jons might take me all the way through August.

You're only 4 hours south of me. Fall seems to start in August here in Manitoba, so you should be fine in September. :blushing:
Not to get too far ahead of myself, but in Minnesota would you guys start a fall scented soap in September? Or is that too early?

I had plans to use some menthol soap this summer but estimating this tin of Dr Jons might take me all the way through August.

September is still pretty nice out. I always think fall starts in October. Pumpkins, harvest, leaves falling, brisk air, etc.

Last year, I did SCS Pumpkin, but I wasn't a big fan of the scent. I don't know if I'll do another fall scent, but I just got some Speick in this year, so I'm planning on Speicktember.

I'm not a big fan of menthol, especially in soaps, because my house is always coldest in the morning when I shave.
Just made a quick executive decision this afternoon (this is what happens when I'm home alone).

The Dr Jons post-shave is phenomenal and I want to see how that does during the cold winter months. During these warm summer days it's so moisturizing I actually get a little sticky towards the end of the day so it's going on pause. I completed one full month with it. 6/7 - 7/7 (26 shaves).

I'm going to do a sample puck of Stirling Cool and then finish out the summer with Omega croap. The Omega was my first ever soap so it's nostalgic, I love the scent (vick's vaporub) and it will carry me through the hot of August into the fall.

When things cool off I've got some scents I'm looking forward to working through.
Not to get too far ahead of myself, but in Minnesota would you guys start a fall scented soap in September? Or is that too early?

I had plans to use some menthol soap this summer but estimating this tin of Dr Jons might take me all the way through August.

As a fellow Minnesotan I understand your dilemma. My general rule of thumb is that Fall starts when the first Octoberfest beer is available on tap at the local pub. You can't go by canned or bottled beer at the liquor store...those guys start stocking octoberfest beer around the end of August.
As a fellow Minnesotan I understand your dilemma. My general rule of thumb is that Fall starts when the first Octoberfest beer is available on tap at the local pub. You can't go by canned or bottled beer at the liquor store...those guys start stocking octoberfest beer around the end of August.

Already have seen autumn beers here and it's the beginning of July... Definitely can't go by what's on the store shelves.
Already have seen autumn beers here and it's the beginning of July... Definitely can't go by what's on the store shelves.

That's jumping the gun quite a bit! I haven't been in Chicago for a month now, but if they too are already stocking Oktoberfest beers, that's ridiculous!

One more shave left in my MITA sample, which lasted for 12 shaves averaging 2.25g/shave exactly. Not bad for a "sample!"
Finally killed off the Pre de Provence. I used it for almost 4 months with just a couple breaks here and there to test out different soaps. I couldn't complain about any of the shaves I had with the PdP, and it will definitely remain a part of my soap stock.

After some flip-flopping, I've decided to 3017 my puck of B&M Seville. I've pressed the puck in my good ol' B&B mug and have gotten a fantastic first shave. It's got a great smell and has the fantastic face feel that B&M is known for. Look forward to spending the summer with this soap.

The mug I have been using for my Palmolive is too much a pain to load from as it gets low because of the flared bottom and tall sides. So I have moved my Palmolive into a different container, one I have used for my B&M samples in the past (a Ziploc plastic cup)

I weighed the Palmolive during the transfer and even after the loss to fingernails and pieces too tough to recoup from the old mug, I have 11.8g left, which is for me is about 13 shaves aka another month. And here I was posting over a week ago that I was "almost done". :blush:
Oh, and does anyone have an empty AoS cream jar? My sandalwood cream is going to go on my 3017 list but it's gotten intermittent use since ownership and I would like to try and estimate what is left.
I love having my scale and love estimating how much of a product I have left.

That said, many times I catch myself realizing, "it doesn't matter how much is left, I'm going to 3017 it to the end and I'll weigh the container then."

...and then I get impatient and try to estimate it again. :)


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Oh, and does anyone have an empty AoS cream jar? My sandalwood cream is going to go on my 3017 list but it's gotten intermittent use since ownership and I would like to try and estimate what is left.

Did I say 160? Oops, I guess I misses the decimal when I recorded it in my phone :blush:

I just weighed again and it's 105.9g. Didn't get enough sleep when I grabbed and weighed it this morning.

Now it makes more sense.

106g for an empty AOS. I weighed one earlier this year for @lowjax.
Still going with my Palmolive stick. I think this is one of my longest lasting soaps ever. Comparatively longer than even my DR Harris pucks, I'd guess. I don't rub much on my face to get a great
lather (three passes worth). I'm using this soap 5 days per week, on average. Big winner from a cost:shave perspective, although I don't particularly care how much my shaves cost. It's just an observation.
I love having my scale and love estimating how much of a product I have left.

That said, many times I catch myself realizing, "it doesn't matter how much is left, I'm going to 3017 it to the end and I'll weigh the container then."

...and then I get impatient and try to estimate it again. :)
I use all of my soaps as sticks, so I measure volume instead of weight, but I have gone through the exact same train of thought. I'll know exactly how long it lasted when it's gone.......but when will that be.
Finished the MITA sample this morning just in time, as tomorrow morning I'm flying back to Chicago. Leaning towards Proraso Green or Blue to be my next 3017 but haven't decided yet...
Still going with my Palmolive stick. I think this is one of my longest lasting soaps ever. Comparatively longer than even my DR Harris pucks, I'd guess. I don't rub much on my face to get a great
lather (three passes worth). I'm using this soap 5 days per week, on average. Big winner from a cost:shave perspective, although I don't particularly care how much my shaves cost. It's just an observation.

Sticks usually last a lot longer for me for some reason. I used a Speick stick as a stick all last Speicktember and got about half through. In a bowl, I've killed a Speick stick in a month easy. So easily 2:1 as a stick or close to it.

I have 10 palmolive sticks to get to someday. I love love love the scent and the performance so that'll be great. Maybe grate it into a huge 500 g tub for a full year of awesome shaves :thumbup1:
I'm posting about my experience with a brush here because it ties in with this whole 3017 philosophy. I have some experience with previous generations of synthetic brushes but not much with the latest and greatest. Not long ago I picked up a Fines synthetic because the price was right and I'm a sucker for Ever-Ready handles. I got the brush, used it once, and whined about how much I don't like synthetic brushes. I decided to utilize one of the principles of 3017ing. By 3017ing a soap we often unlock hidden secrets of that product. I decided to use this synthetic brush until I loved it or hated it so much it went in the bin. I really like this brush. It took me a while to get use to the feel. Its so soft that it doesn't provide as much feedback as my old badger and doesn't have the backbone of a SOC boar. What it does well is lathers like a dream and keeps the lather on the part of the brush where you need it. This thing picks up soap and lathers so quickly that I essentially have the lather produced on the surface of the puck before I even get to my face. Its a smallish knot but holds enough lather for 3 - 4 passes. 15 seconds is all I need on a hydrated puck of Mikes to get a great lather. Fast, comfortable, and efficient as hell is how I would describe this synthetic. I paid for the brush myself and am not trying to sell anything other than the 3017 concept. Its paying off for me not just with software but hardware as well. I will be picking up another new generation synthetic soon. I am on the wait list for a Wolf Whisker and was going to send Peter a ShaveMac knot, but I think I will hang onto the ShaveMac for now and have him set a synthetic instead. I guess an old dog like me can learn a new trick. Which means the RAD starts all over again.

PS...Mikes 3017 is going great and Peppermint is turning out to be a great Summertime soap.

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