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My GEM Damaskenes stinks. How to remove the bad smell ?

Hello Gentlemen,

I bought a Gem Damaskene on the Bay. I cleaned it with Scrubbing Bubbles and left it aerate for... almost two years now. The metal still smells musty. I've tried some Fabreeze. Didn't work.

How can I deodorize it?

Edit : Lysol worked ! Thank you
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I don't know. Metals don't usually absorb odors.
Silver can smell musty, and that smell is associated with lengthy storage. Google suggests that it has something to do with how it's stored but hasn't been very helpful identifying the culprit.
Metallic smells are caused by a reaction between your oils or sweats on your skin and the metal.
I suspect that neither of these are the issue, since your damaskeene is probably not silver and if it was the result of you touching it, you would probably notice it on other metal things too.
It has no oils or sweat on it since I never used it (because of the smell). I brushed it and clean it with a variety of washing products, more than 10 times. The metal seems to have absorb an attic odor... for eternity.
Ok- another suggestion- does your razor got some brassing issues? If so that may explain the "smell". The solution would be to replate.
My procedure is an hour soak in lysol. It kills everything organic and removes the green gunk as a bonus.
But now you have the aweful lysol smell...which after a thorough rinse and soaking in rubbing alcohol is mostly gone, and is completely gone after a few uses.
When dealing with lysol, use gloves that you won't use elsewhere because it's smell is very intense. Dont bring it into your house because of the fumes. I either deal with it in the garage or outside. I store it on the garage, inside numerous plastic bags.
It is a very powerful, toxic material. On the other hand a 1 hour soak in 5% lysol is hospital grade sterilization...
Sounds like lysol will zap whatever is there but I might try something less intense first. Have you tried boiling it or soaking it in 91% Isopropyl Alcohol. Those and scrubbing bubbles have cleaned up even the worst old razors I've gotten.
Boiling the razor and soaking it in 91% alcohol, to me, doesn't look like a gentler option compared to a soak in Lysol.

Any way, thank you all. Half an hour in Lysol has removed the bad odor.
Boiling the razor and soaking it in 91% alcohol, to me, doesn't look like a gentler option compared to a soak in Lysol.

Any way, thank you all. Half an hour in Lysol has removed the bad odor.

Glad it worked. When previous poster said use of lysol required gloves and adequte ventilation boiling water or alcohol seemed milder to me but I have no way to quantize that. Doesn't matter anyway, problem fixed
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