Hey guys,
I just "restored" my first vintage, a 1961 Flare Tip Super Speed if I have understood correctly(G2). When I got it, it was in such a horrible condition that I nearly didn't even want to take it out of the box. Against all advice I found here, I determined I really had nothing to lose and freely proceeded to lightly boil the razor at once. That did a good job of loosening some of the disgusting green gunk which seemed to be at first oblivious to my cleaning detergents. There was no damage nor discoloration due to this. I've now spent two days toying with various European variants of the types of detergents and polishers recommended here in the forums, and have managed to do quite a good job of it, except for the part in my second picture here. The grooves in the flare tip are very tightly packed with black/green stuff and I've managed to scrape most out with sharp metallic objects, but I suppose I need to get a brass brush or something to finish it.
My question is about the first picture here, the edges of the silo doors and the blade holder have lost their coloring, and I suppose that is the real color of the brass(?) metal of the razor showing under the original silver(?) color. Same can be seen partly in the handle pattern. Is the only way to actually restore/fix by complete re-plating of the razor?

I just "restored" my first vintage, a 1961 Flare Tip Super Speed if I have understood correctly(G2). When I got it, it was in such a horrible condition that I nearly didn't even want to take it out of the box. Against all advice I found here, I determined I really had nothing to lose and freely proceeded to lightly boil the razor at once. That did a good job of loosening some of the disgusting green gunk which seemed to be at first oblivious to my cleaning detergents. There was no damage nor discoloration due to this. I've now spent two days toying with various European variants of the types of detergents and polishers recommended here in the forums, and have managed to do quite a good job of it, except for the part in my second picture here. The grooves in the flare tip are very tightly packed with black/green stuff and I've managed to scrape most out with sharp metallic objects, but I suppose I need to get a brass brush or something to finish it.
My question is about the first picture here, the edges of the silo doors and the blade holder have lost their coloring, and I suppose that is the real color of the brass(?) metal of the razor showing under the original silver(?) color. Same can be seen partly in the handle pattern. Is the only way to actually restore/fix by complete re-plating of the razor?