Since this is my "first shave" with a DE..My Dads Gillette Slim Adjustable(just got it a few days ago)..Heres how it went..I wanted to take my time,since i had just shaved yesterday...I washed my face with warm soapy water....Then "Steamed" it with a HOT Water Towel for a few minutes....A Brand New Gillette "spoiler" SS blade,with the razor set on 4.I had no Shaving cream,so used soapy water,applied against the grain to lift the hairs.I made 2 passes "with the grain",this was good but not close enough.Rather than "adjust up",I went against "the grain",2 more passes..Other than a few ingrown hairs,that have since,been deported,along with some skin...The Shave Was Great,Close and Super Smooth
...I do notice the difference from(dare i say it) a disposable..But I used Anthony Logistics for Men After Shave,after to "cool" down a very minor irritation.My skin wasnt expecting that kind of shave,but we'll live and adjust...I "Rate" this razors' shave a 10+,but ONLY in comparison to disposable razors' shave....Now I have to get a sample pack of razors..A Brush ..Some Shave Cream..And Some Good After Shave..Any Suggestions????