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My first real attempt at complete restore and scale making.....go big or go home!

I picked up a few great razors from the local antique store in my city about a month ago. They were in great shape and didn't really need to be restore, but this one in particular is so nice, I couldn't pass up restoring it, I am a sucker for shiny. Without further ado, some razor porn for your view pleasure









Mr Hamilton enjoying the view


Scales are black G10, wedge is plexiglas. Inspired to match my Thater brush I just ordered :thumbup:
Sanding pretty much all by hand and finished polishing with a dremel. Scales need a little more polishing, but I kinda like that is has a little matte finish.

I know it is not perfect, but I don't care. The pinning is not the best, razor doesn't close exactly in the middle. The finish isn't a perfect mirror, but it should have a few reminders of its past battle scars anyway. Besides, this razor is not going to sit in a a display case, it will be used, and quite often at that.

Overall, I can't say how pleased I am with the results. I honestly can't believe this is the result of my work. Next is honing and a shave this afternoon. I will report back later about the shave.
How was working the G10 by hand?

$hit is really hard! It came 1/8" thick,but I wanted it thinner. I cut out enought to make two scales, like maybe 3x7" then taped it to a flat 1x4 and sanded it down thinner, kind of like lapping. Then cut the piece in half, glued it together and used the dremel with the big sanding drum to shape it. Thinning it out took longer than shaping it.
Maiden voyage successful! Couldn't be happier with the end result and it is really a great feeling shaving with something I know I put a lot of work into.

I actually started with linen micarta, but I jacked it up trying to trim it with my miter saw. Lesson learned, glad I took the safety tips seriously. But I am glad I tackled the G10 cuz it turned out bada$$
Hey Ryan: That looks Great! I got mine almost together and realised that I drilled the hole for the pins crooked, I looked at my drill press and sure enough the table is sitting at 3 degrees off of zero.
The pivot hole was pretty big, so I ended up sticking a couple of the reall small washer inside the hole on either side, then a wider washer between the shank and the scales. I think when I pinned it tighter, the washer inside the hole got pinched crooked and caused it to not sit straight in the scales. Because when I fit it before I actually pinned it, it was perfectly straight. I might try to re-pin it.....just nervous about drilling the pin out.
You could wrap some electrical tape around the pin area and hand file. the tape will help keep the scales safe if the file slips but go slow.
I will give that a shot. I think I can manage slow enough to not mess it up too bad. And the G10 polishes out pretty easy if I so scratch it a little.

I probalby should have tried to pin it without anything at first becuase it was in the old scales with nothing else and it sat in there just fine.
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