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My First Post - Zen and the Art of Wet Shaving

Hey Frank. Though I also use a little balm (usually one with shea butter), the final touch on my shaves (usually after all is cleaned up and I've gotten dressed) is an AS splash, and all mine are alcohol based. I am fondest of the soothing action and 'face feel' of those that also contain witchhazel (Wet Shaving Products, Chiseled Face, &c.) - but I mostly just find them invigorating.
Great kit and welcome to the forum!

As to your question. I shave daily. Started out with ASB, but I now use AS splashes exclusively and have had great success with them.


Too Fugly For Free.
I shave pretty close to daily. Maybe once every few months I might skip a day. Unfortunately I have no idea what is in any of the soaps, creams, aftershave or balms that I use.
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