Hello everyone. I would like help putting together a budget DE shave system. I have strayed over time and tried electric, cartridge, those all in one (one blade) type things. I want a complete, budget, no frill shave system. My goal is value for the money, not luxury. My goal is to shave, not collect. Function over pretty. Bang for the buck. Yet, I want quality, no stuff from Aliexpress. Here are my needs:
Sensitive skin
Shave soap/stick/cream with light or no fragrance...can trigger migraine. Arko shave stick, Williams used to work well.
Need DE safety Razor, soap/stick/cream, blades, value brush
There use to be a Gillette sensitive aftershave gel. It had a very light scent, but it is no longer made.
My goal is to shave on a budget while getting a far better shave than a Philips One Blade and without the crazy expense of a cartridge razor. I want to invest in quality yet basic tools. Think Ford F150 but the XL work truck, not the ultra platinum edition. Thank you for the help. Also, can you suggest online shave stores to purchase from? I live in a rural area so my only shave supply is CVS and Walmart. LOL Thank you for the help.
Sensitive skin
Shave soap/stick/cream with light or no fragrance...can trigger migraine. Arko shave stick, Williams used to work well.
Need DE safety Razor, soap/stick/cream, blades, value brush
There use to be a Gillette sensitive aftershave gel. It had a very light scent, but it is no longer made.
My goal is to shave on a budget while getting a far better shave than a Philips One Blade and without the crazy expense of a cartridge razor. I want to invest in quality yet basic tools. Think Ford F150 but the XL work truck, not the ultra platinum edition. Thank you for the help. Also, can you suggest online shave stores to purchase from? I live in a rural area so my only shave supply is CVS and Walmart. LOL Thank you for the help.