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My First PIF - My way of saying THANKS!

My wife recently went to a local hairdressing / barber supplies shop to see if she could get a couple of nice shaving towels for me. Just like the ones the barber's use. Anyway she did find some, however she had to buy 12.

So I have up for grabs 4 x 100% white cotton shaving towels, measuring approx. 55cm in length X 20cm in width.

I have found these great to soak in nice warm water and are large enough to wrap / cover your entire face.

I'm after 4 individual persons, who would find the towel of benefit to their shaving kit.

2 Australian and 2 Non-Australian.
NOTE: If no aussie takers, I’m happy to post all 4 oseas.

I’ll select 4 random winners in approx 2 days time.

I’m happy to pay postage. Its my way of giving back to the forum that has help me so much on my DE journey.

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I'm a headshaver, and struggle to have a towel that is big enough (while not being a full sized bath towel). I'd love to be included in this.
Count me out, very generous of you. The price of the towel really can't justify the shipping to the US for me.
Please count me in! I'm a Canberran too so postage should be cheap :p

Was this place out on Fyshwick by chance?
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