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my first OC razor

In the mail today. Gillette short comb New head (I'm pretty sure at least) on a fat tech handle. Replated in rhodium by the seller. I think she looks pretty cool. Balance and grip feels nice with the tech handle, but I'll experiment with a few others as well. First shave with it tonight, as soon as I have enough whiskers to shave! There's a lot of guys here that love open comb razors, so I'm excited to post my initial experiences later on!
That looks really nice. I like a heavier handle with my NEW too. I use a Weber Buldog with mine. I love my OC razors, I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
A nice intro for you into the OC world of razors! The rhodium replating appears to be impeccable. Enjoy your new razor, and be sure to join us at BOTOC (Brotherhood of the Open Comb)!
Looks fantastic. The NEW is an incredible shaver. It looks small and lightweight, but it mows down the hair with surprising efficiency. It works better for me than the very popular Cadet OC (too aggressive for me).


No tattoo mistakes!
Very nice! Try a long-comb also. I'm probably due to give a short-comb New another whirl. I don't know whether the SC is more or less agressive than LC, but I seem not to get/stay into The Zone as well with SCs and have just about always given myself a Nick (either under the nose or on a scar that runs down one side of my chin) with them. But I have some LCs that also tend to bite me in the same places.

I have LC News with both fat and skinny Tech handles. I love fat-handled Techs, but prefer the longer ball-end handles with LC News. My little finger rests lightly over the end, which subtley enhances my control. As for weight, I think there's a tipping point that's probably different for every person, and possibly every razor-person combination. There is a point, for me, where increased mass gets in the way of feel and, consequently, the Zone. I'd rather negotiate the curves on my face with a Lotus than a Corvette.
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I would find your razor topheavy, so I think about drill out my handle and fill it up with lead or tungsten. Beautiful razor, though!! :thumbup:
Wow, call me convinced! That was a great shave. Comfortable close - and what really struck me on first impressions, an easy shave. Easy to find the right angle. I have learned that when a great many people are enthusiastic about a particular razor it's for good reason, but this one was startlingly good even with those expectations. I do find it a bit top-heavy, not annoyingly so but I will still want to experiment with some other handle combinations. I wonder would it be unwise to try the feather and tradere handles? Not even sure if they'll affix to this head and am hesitant to try it out of concern that the harder stainless steel might damage the brass threads. Thanks for all the input!
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