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My Dog Ate My Tony Miller


Now it was only Tony's $30 strop but it worked perfectly. And it is my fault for not hanging it back up on the door after applying chromox. But I only have a Spyderco UF and F to use. I was using the UF once a week and stropping on the leather only.

Am I ok until Tony opens back up after Christmas? Or should I find another strop?

Also, is chromox dangerous for pets?:confused1
Ouch... not as bad but my black poodle ate a (literally) half-a-day-old pack of dovo red/black paste... Didn't get sick! So he should be alright.

I thought it said you were closed until next month. Ordering right now.:lol::lol:

Also, my wife said the dog hasn't made a peep all day and has been working that leather under my desk for hours. Can I return as defective?:lol::lol::lol:

I thought it said you were closed until next month. Ordering right now.:lol::lol:

Also, my wife said the dog hasn't made a peep all day and has been working that leather under my desk for hours. Can I return as defective?:lol::lol::lol:

The dog or the strop?:biggrin1:
I can't wait to get home and see what this guy did with my strop. My wife said she scraped off what she could of the chromox and the dogs been chewing on it for hours. Guess it wasn't that bad of a trade off.

Plus I told the SWMBO that I would be picked on by everyone on here if I didn't get another. So another one of TM's beauties is coming and this time I got the nicer one:001_smile
Well, I hear graphite is safe so...

Crox however.... :blink: No clue.

It's safe. The stuff that is commonly referred to as crox, chromox or chromium oxide in straight shaving circles is really only one of several chromium oxides, chromium(III) oxide, the formula for which is Cr2O3.

Now, the chromium atoms in chromium(III) oxide is trivalent. Hexavalent chromium is the stuff you have to watch out for, as it is highly toxic. This is because hexavalent chromium easily crosses cell membranes where it accumulates and starts to wreck havoc of cellular functions.

Trivalent chromium, on the other hand, is largely non-toxic and does not readily cross cellular membranes. Furthermore it is actually an essential nutrient we need, as it aids in the metabolism of proteins and lipids. In short, it eating crox isn't going to harm his dog, although eating it along with an entire strop might cause an upset stomach.
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