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MWF vs Tabac?

So, what do you find is the difference between Mitchell's Wool Fat and Tabac? I've tried (and loved) both, but I'm hard pressed to find a difference between the two. They are both about the same softness, they both make a really nice lather, and they even smell somewhat similar, though MWF isn't as strong. I'm about due to get another brick of something, and I'm trying to decide between MWF and Tabac, and I just can't decide.
So, what do you guys think is the difference between the two, and which is better in your opinion (and why)?
What I ended up doing was to get my Tabac in stick and MWF in the puck since MWF only comes in puck but Tabac comes in a shave stick.

That way I can "justify" both in my mind as one is a shave stick and the other is a soap in a bowl.

Hey, it works for me :001_smile

I prefer the Tabac. Couldn't cope with the amount of lanolin in MWF and it caused me an increase in number of ingrown hairs. I tried it a few times (different pucks) and it just didn't do it for me.

Tabac on the other hand is a great winter scent, a superb performer and creates gobs and gobs of thick, luscious, meringue-like lather. The glass bowl is superb too.
I've never used a shave stick before, how are they different and why would you use it?
Also what is the item in the picture at the bottom?
What I ended up doing was to get my Tabac in stick and MWF in the puck since MWF only comes in puck but Tabac comes in a shave stick.

That way I can "justify" both in my mind as one is a shave stick and the other is a soap in a bowl.

Hey, it works for me :001_smile

I've never used a shave stick before, how are they different and why would you use it?
Also what is the item in the picture at the bottom?

Shave sticks ROCK.... Stop on into the Shave Stick Brotherhood thread to read what those who have been converted have to say about them


The item in the front is a blade injector. It holds the injector blades which are inserted into the razor by sliding the button back and forth

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I use and like them both. They are great cold weather soaps. I will happily keep them both in my rotation. I don't think they smell the same though. They both smell good to me - especially after the Tabac has "settled down" a bit - but they are very different.
I prefer Tabac. I could never get MWF lathered properly. I also enjoy the scent of Tabac much more than MWF
Both are fantastic soaps. I'd give Tabac the nod only because I have the matching A/S and cologne.
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Thanks guys for your input on the soaps. :). I'll definitely check out that shave stick link.
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I found Tabac to be an "average" soap. By that I mean that it is a really good tallow soap but that's it. It doesn't have any extra skin conditioning qualities like MWF. My skin never felt that great with Tabac as it does with MWF (or Speick and Mike's)

The scent is subjective but it was over the top for me. I love the scent of Tabac and it would be in my rotation if the scent was toned down 75%. I let a puck air out for 3 months and it was still too much.


I’m stumped
Tabac is my go to soap when testing a new razor etc. MWF is new to me. I like them both.
If you enjoy both the you should have both.
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I won't be replacing my Tabac puck, though the lather is incredible. I'm using it every day now. I do, however, have a puck of MWF to replace one I've already used. I like the scent of MWF better. I like lanolin in my soaps and creams. When I do want a sniff of Tabac now and again, I'll go for the cream.
I own both, differences, well I give MWF the edge when it comes to moisturizing, it just makes your face feel great, although the lanolin makes me only use it as a winter soap since I would break out in the summer while using it. Latherabilty I would give the edge to Tabac since it lathers no question. Shave experince? Well that one's a bit tricky. I would say MWF provides a surperior shave when everything goes well, although sometimes it is hit or miss. Tabac always provides a great shave so I would give Tabac the edge.

Yes I love Tabac, I own the shave stick and the bowl. The bowl for at home, and the stick for when I travel. To each his own.
I found Tabac to be an "average" soap. By that I mean that it is a really good tallow soap but that's it. It doesn't have any extra skin conditioning qualities like MWF. My skin never felt that great with Tabac as it does with MWF (or Speick and Mike's)

The scent is subjective but it was over the top for me. I love the scent of Tabac and it would be in my rotation if the scent was toned down 75%. I let a puck air out for 3 months and it was still too much.

Wow, if you think Tabac is strong I guess your not an Arko fan then :laugh:
Wow, if you think Tabac is strong I guess your not an Arko fan then :laugh:

Arko was less of an olfactory assault but I didn't like the scent at all...reminds me of the cheap and nasty washing detergent used when I was a young child.
I love the scent of Tabac and it would be in my rotation if the scent was toned down 75%. I let a puck air out for 3 months and it was still too much.

It depends on the age of soap you end up with. I recently got hold of a Tabac puck that was so light it smelt like clay! My first full Tabac puck a few years ago now was as strong as you say. It really depends on how long the retailer has the puck sitting around in their warehouse...
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