... added it to the snack pack. Based upon both of your recommendations (yours and Captain Howdy's).Stirling Unscented Beeswax is a heckuva soap.
I used that today. Good stuff!@Chouffleur , Cyril R. Salter shaving soap is a great tallow option in place of MWF. Nice scent and excellent lather.
Hmm, no AC?Cella Red and Vitos Red. I had both. Both rancid. Never again.
At least I didn't buy bulk.
I've been very fortunate. Never had bad batch yet. Been using Cella for 10years or more. I currently have Cella in a large cardboard box in wax paper sitting in drawer for over a year. No problems at all. I cut small blocks and put soap in small containers in the medicine cabinet for quick access. It's been a favorite of mine since I've started using it.Indoor temp has never been an issue. Maybe at the retailer location or transit, but certainly not in my house.
A great many of us had to scramble to find a replacement for MWF. Beyond any doubt, Stirling Unscented Beeswax is a stellar performer. I even use it to mix with sub performing soaps to make them better. It is fantastic all by itself and has no scents or perfumes.I started using MWF in response to the demise of Aramis Shaving Soap (of sainted memory). Someone here suggested using an unscented soap with a few drops of cologne added to the lather. That sounded easier than using a micro-plane grater, mixing in the cologne, and forming a new puck out of the shredded goo. It worked fine.
Now they've come for MWF and I'm looking for a substitute. I only ask that it be unscented and contain tallow. It's not that I object to vegan formulations, although they probably make a lot of noise while being grated. I'm just a bit set in my ways.
1) Is there an easy, straight-up substitute for MWF? Unscented, tallow, any cake size?
2) Failing that is there any tallow-based soap that has a St.-John's-Bay-Rum OR Royall-Lyme OR Pomme-de-Pin scent?
3) Failing that what is the least-scented tallow shaving soap?
I'm not deeply attached to any shaving mug I own so cake size is not an issue.
Arko, Cella Red, and Vitos Red. All Tallow base and the performance to boot. Also, all great value if you buy in bulk.
Have tried at least 50 soap bases over the years; Mike's Naturals is one of only 5 or so that I'll re-purchase once I get through my enormous mountain of soaps and creams.Another suggestion, Mike’s Natural soaps, tallow, lanolin, and kokum butter. He’s usually sold out of the popular fragrances but unscented and maybe 1-2 others are usually available.