I started using MWF in response to the demise of Aramis Shaving Soap (of sainted memory). Someone here suggested using an unscented soap with a few drops of cologne added to the lather. That sounded easier than using a micro-plane grater, mixing in the cologne, and forming a new puck out of the shredded goo. It worked fine.
Now they've come for MWF and I'm looking for a substitute. I only ask that it be unscented and contain tallow. It's not that I object to vegan formulations, although they probably make a lot of noise while being grated. I'm just a bit set in my ways.
1) Is there an easy, straight-up substitute for MWF? Unscented, tallow, any cake size?
2) Failing that is there any tallow-based soap that has a St.-John's-Bay-Rum OR Royall-Lyme OR Pomme-de-Pin scent?
3) Failing that what is the least-scented tallow shaving soap?
I'm not deeply attached to any shaving mug I own so cake size is not an issue.
Now they've come for MWF and I'm looking for a substitute. I only ask that it be unscented and contain tallow. It's not that I object to vegan formulations, although they probably make a lot of noise while being grated. I'm just a bit set in my ways.
1) Is there an easy, straight-up substitute for MWF? Unscented, tallow, any cake size?
2) Failing that is there any tallow-based soap that has a St.-John's-Bay-Rum OR Royall-Lyme OR Pomme-de-Pin scent?
3) Failing that what is the least-scented tallow shaving soap?
I'm not deeply attached to any shaving mug I own so cake size is not an issue.