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Muhle R41

I found a site that has these for sale at $54. It says that the handle is made of high grade resin. Tell me that's not true. I'm drooling over these and it would break my pea pickin heart if they were PLASTIC.
Which would you say is more likely to hurt ya a Fatip or the R41?


The Muhle is made of black polyester and chrome plated metal, according to the Muhle site.
I can recommen them - I do not think that are plastic feeling at all but you may feel otherwise - , but if that bothers you there's a beautiful chrome version at the same price.
And there is a rose gold, which is also stunning.
yep drooling over the chrome one. I suspect the seller I was looking at described one with the poly handle and had a pic of the chrome one. I wonder which one you'd get!
Still scared of "aggressive". Dang purty tho
Got the rose gold for my birthday yesterday, with a matching silvertip fiber brush, they're absolutely gorgeous. Don't be afraid of the reputation for agressiveness, for me it was a docile pussycat. I actually asked for one because I noticed I got better and better shaves as I turned up my Futur, and thought this would be the next logical step. Except for the first pass, it didn't even feel like I was shaving, more like just wiping off the cream/soap. But the result was the closest, smoothest shave I've ever had (especially on my neck where I always do poorly), with no nicks or weepers, absolutely ZERO irritation when hit with the alum (usually I have a little bit of burning).

I am absolutely a convert after just two shaves with the R41. I kinda feel bad for my Futur now. :)
R41 has a chrome handle
R101 has a black resin handle
R102 has a white resin handle

All of them use the same head. All of them are the same razor except with a different handle.
Ah, yea... true dat.
I almost bought a rosegold a moment ago. Sadly one site didn't ship to the US the other wanted $11 shipping. Shesh things are expensive shipped from England. Perhaps I'm spoiled with Amazon 2day free with prime.
Suppose I'll dither a bit more.
Perhaps if I can sell off my other less used razors I can justify the price.
It's hard being frugal sometimes. ;)
West Coast shaving has them in stock in Rose gold $72.00 though.

Keep this in mind the NEW R-41 has a new head with a wider top cap and is much easier to use and still aggressive as all get out. I have them both and liked the 2011 R-41 but the 2013 is flat out fantastic.

You almost had me there... so close to buying it again. I really want the 2013 head. There was on on the bay that was the 2011 head. I nearly bought that for $40 or so... but...
I should buy both then I'd have the rose handle and the 13 head then trade the 2011 off. I just bought a red and black New though... an the other day a German OC travel razor.

It really is a sickness isn't it. :blink:

I emailed them... silly to ask but it's a disease really.
I'm going to have to trade some off. This is getting crazy.:lol:
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