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Mr. Rogers would be proud.

... 'cause "it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood."
Best single day I ever had poking around out in the wild -

L to R - Norfolk, Regent, Old Pocket, Red & Black - I do believe
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Not bad, not bad at all! Now that's what I call good footwork and hustle(coming from my tennis days).Mr. Roger (Federer )would be proud. Congrats!
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Thanks Guys.
It was a rare treat to actually find some things I wanted, 3 of which I did not have :thumbup1:, rather than the usual array of $45 blade holders and a $190 "rare 1930's Gillette" aka beat up, brassy Fatboy :blink:
Wow, not only complete sets, but a couple that are somewhat rare in the Norfolk chromium Tuckaway and the sunburst case Pocket Edition.

Them's some finds, my friend.
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