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Most irritating television commercial ever

My vote goes to the current ad of AT&T, a US cell phone/communications provider. It shows a large orange sheet being pulled over various American buildings and landmarks, to a few bars of a breathy Nick Drake tune where the only coherent words are "And it was... BEAUTiful!"

Silly but harmless, right? Not when AT&T apparently spends a kabillion dollars making sure every single channel on US television plays this ad every three minutes.

I am sorry that Nick Drake passed away before his time and I am sure he was a great folk singer and all, but the jangly guitar and the "it was... BEAUTiful!" line are absolutely driving me up the wall.

I don't have a cell phone but if I did and it was AT&T, I would cancel my service over this one ridiculous ad, playing over and over and over on every channel.
Put down the remote.... and back away from the TV...

Or buy a DVR and record your shows so you can ffwd through the commercials :thumbup1:

(I need the mods to edit that so that it stays all in caps. It is of vital necessity.)

That commercial, which played every commercial break during the NFL season a couple of years ago, made me want to put my foot through the TV. I mean literally. As soon as the game would go to break, I would put my TV on mute, because I didn't want to hear it anymore. I don't even remember what it was for. I think a car. I don't think I've ever liked an ad for a car.
I don't think those are half as irritating as the Olive Garden commercials where everyone acts so happy I want to puke. Only someone who recently had a lobotomy would be so happy to be at an Olive Garden.
How about those RIDICULOUS "It's my money and I want it now!" commercials from last year? They played all the time and I just wanted to slap everyone who appeared in them. My jaw still clenches when I think of it.

Regards, Todd
That jerk, and his back-up cronies that sing "Freeeeeeeeee Credit Report dot com" ... in the pirate suits, and the Renaissance Fair, and his girlfriend's parent's basement, and driving down the street in his blue clunker car ...

As if the first series of stupid commercials wasn't enough, now they're running commercials to audition (and the public votes for) a new band to take over the series.

Enough is enough. We get it. We know the jingle, we know your website. Leave us alone.

BTW, the service that is provided there is a joke. Its little more than a front for shady loan schemes and other financial products. If you want an accurate, truthful credit report, go to www.myfico.com/12
I have not seen any of these commercials. That's because I stopped watching TV. It is not a major deal for me. It is because I have other things I'd rather do. TV is really good for people who are passive. Think of yourself as a blank flash drive in need of programming.

Do you ever feel a vague sense of discomfort? You're not perfect. Beautiful people on TV are happy because they buy the right stuff. I should go to the Mall, and buy the right brand of toothpaste or deodorant or car. That would make me into a somebody.

I basically got tired of waiting for TV to deliver something I wanted to watch. I'd rather get the weather when I want to know about it, not to wait until some guy in a suit is put in front of a blue screen.

News at 11? No. News, now!

Wwwooo Hooooo Woooo Hooo Hooo, Vonage Bastids.

I will never ever buy one of thier products....

Same with the Geico Lizard and the Progressive Bimbo, insurance companies.

Yes,,, The Jerks that cover everything with rolls of Orange cloth... That went out in the sixties, for crying out loud!

FSN Seattle and their same five commercials they've run for years.:glare::angry:

These people have the imagination of the Mariners and a Banana Slug.
I have not seen any of these commercials. That's because I stopped watching TV.

No tv, huh? Well, I'll help you out. Play this freaking ad every few minutes for the next six months of your life, and that is what tv has been like this year. You ain't missed a thing. :tongue_sm

I don't think those are half as irritating as the Olive Garden commercials where everyone acts so happy I want to puke. Only someone who recently had a lobotomy would be so happy to be at an Olive Garden.

Pretty much a spot on review of Olive Garden from my favorite (old) show, Clone High.

You can stop about 15 seconds in.

Head on, apply directly to the forehead! Head on! Apply directly to the forehead. Head on! Apply directly to the forehead.

I have not seen any of these commercials. That's because I stopped watching TV. It is not a major deal for me. It is because I have other things I'd rather do. TV is really good for people who are passive. Think of yourself as a blank flash drive in need of programming.

Do you ever feel a vague sense of discomfort? You're not perfect. Beautiful people on TV are happy because they buy the right stuff. I should go to the Mall, and buy the right brand of toothpaste or deodorant or car. That would make me into a somebody.

I basically got tired of waiting for TV to deliver something I wanted to watch. I'd rather get the weather when I want to know about it, not to wait until some guy in a suit is put in front of a blue screen.

News at 11? No. News, now!


Gee, now you gone and made me feel bad about watching TV. My weather man stands in front of a green screen though, so it's better. :lol:
LMAO! That commercial just came on as I was reading this thread! :lol:

Personally, I'm sick of that Honda commercial with the opera singing. Every f-ing commercial break!
People crunching Kit Kat bars gets on my nerves. Maybe not the most irritating commercials ever, but definitely rude.
Anyone remember Head On? That gets my vote for most annoying ad ever.

"Head on! Apply directly to the forehead! Head on! Apply directly to the forehead!" - repeated about 15 times in the span of a 30 second ad.

Sure it garnered brand recognition, but it also made me so irritated that I never would have considered buying it.

I also rather enjoyed the Family Guy skewering of those flailing inflatable tube men found most often in car dealership ads. "Whacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man! Whacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man! Whacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man!"


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
That jerk, and his back-up cronies that sing "Freeeeeeeeee Credit Report dot com" ... in the pirate suits, and the Renaissance Fair, and his girlfriend's parent's basement, and driving down the street in his blue clunker car ...

As if the first series of stupid commercials wasn't enough, now they're running commercials to audition (and the public votes for) a new band to take over the series.

Enough is enough. We get it. We know the jingle, we know your website. Leave us alone.

BTW, the service that is provided there is a joke. Its little more than a front for shady loan schemes and other financial products. If you want an accurate, truthful credit report, go to www.myfico.com/12

Or maybe the Burger King commercials with that creepy "Burger King"! :thumbdown
Though I'm sick of pretty much all commercials, the ones on Hulu drive me BONKERS. According to their malfunctioning "ad tailor" I need copious amounts of 5-hour Energy. Makes me want to cut my ears off and plug in the sound holes with chihuahuas.
The one that drives me crazy is the Staples "Wow thats a low price" commercial.

The other ones that drive me nuts are the Hyundai commercials where they compare themselves to BMW, Mercedes and Lexus. Nobody in the market for a BMW, Benz or Lexus is going "hey wow look that Hyundai has more interior room than a BMW maybe we should get a Hyndai instead" Be realistic compare yourself to KIA, Nissan and Toyota.
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I tried to remember the last commercial that evokes feelings of rage in me... it was for the national association of realtors. I really like the line "... the national association of realtors wants you to know, you're making a good move" This isn't the exact commercial, but it's similar. I always wondered if a ridiculous commercial run in the worst housing market crash in decades ever pushed somebody off the fence and into a purchase.

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