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Morris & Forndran Blonde Badger

Maybe he's been a bit busy working on all the 2XL's that just arrived at Vintage Blades :thumbup1:

Sweetness! If I hadn't just gotten my jade 2XL I'd be on that quickly. You pay a bit of a premium but the difference is you could be shaving with one next week.

The loft of 47 is a bit concerning to me though. Perhaps it opens up a little better because it's a fan and it's Heritage hair?

*Edit* Upon closer inspection it's actually 48 on some and 50 on others.
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Sweetness! If I hadn't just gotten my jade 2XL I'd be on that quickly. You pay a bit of a premium but the difference is you could be shaving with one next week.

The loft of 47 is a bit concerning to me though. Perhaps it opens up a little better because it's a fan and it's Heritage hair?

*Edit* Upon closer inspection it's actually 48 on some and 50 on others.

you are absolutely right sir. When i got my 2xl, i thought it sucked. The flow through was lacking. I couldnt find the right proportions of soap and water. And it made a big ole' mess too XD
After roughly 20-30 lathers or so it has become my all time favorite brush and will NEVER get rid of it. The flow though is amazing and the brush is unbelievably dense and i dont mind all the lather that gets everywhere anymore (;. Also after that month of breaking in some of the tips curl a little bit. Strange I know. But it happened to my brush. I couldnt be any happier with my purchase now, saying that the price has jumped from $180 to $230 for the 2xl.


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Some nice looking Blonde Badgers being posted recently...especially those Tortoise ones.

But to see a really hot looking Blonde Badger, click below :blush:

saw this little guy at the Museum today (stuffed of course) but couldn't resist taking a pic of him....sorry for the Groaner:

Another beauty just received from Lee Sabini

2XL Blonde Badger : imitation shell : 28X52



Ravi = exquisite brush
I have to say...this is my all time favourite = size, density, color combination
So tempted...
Thank you! Yes, Lee really did an excellent job with this one ... the imitation tortoise shell is quite exquisite ... hard to capture the full depth of detail/color in a photo.
I've had several brushes from Lee, never really had any communication issue, and have always thought highly of his brushes.Apparently though his Lee7 brush is not for me. I ordered one from him a year ago and it was a heavy shedder right from the start and Lee replaced it with no problem. The replacement shed a hair on its first outing, that continued for a few more shaves, then stopped. Now it's started up again, dropping 3-5 hairs each time. I hate to give up on it but wonder if anyone else has had this happen.
Not with any M&Fs, but I had 4 Emillions from the first batch back in 2008/9 and each one shed for me. I loved the handle shape, the feel of the hair, everything about the brush, but wound up having to give up on the Emillion, deciding it just wasn't meant to be. At the time, Lee was very apologetic via Jim @ VB, and I can't complain at all about the customer service I got. I've owned other Rooneys, other Heritage brushes, and a few M&Fs, and nary a shed hair. But the Emillion, well, it just didn't work out between us. I still love the Emillion, but I have to admire her at a distance. Here's hoping third time's the charm with the Lee7 if you decide to replace this one.
Thanks Tim, I am going to give it a while longer. I really hate to even contact Lee about this. I've had the second brush about 10 months although it has not been used all that much. I think I will use it steadily for the next couple of weeks and see what happens. Not sure what Lee would want to do about this if it continues but I suppose I can only ask and find out.
I've had my M&F Stubby for about a year now. Despite having a couple brushes come into the den during that time, none of them have been able to hold a candle to my M&F. I noticed today that the logos on my brush are starting to fade/wear off. Is this par for the course?

If I'm ever fortunate to get in touch with Lee again, I would love to go with something a bit more suited for bowl lathering. What a great brush though - really backs up the statement "you get what you pay for"
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