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Modern TI quality

My anniversary is quickly approaching and I had comprised a list of straights I was interested in for my anniversary present. Hart steel, Boker, and TI. I included the TI because it was a 1/2 hollow grind and everything else I own is full hollow and I wanted to try a heavier grind. I believe the TI is what has been bought for me, but on a recent search, I see these are no longer carried at thesuperiorshave.com I was just curious if there is a quality issue with current production TI razors. Thanks for your reply.
TSS doesn't carry TI based on problems getting supply from the main distributor as I understand it. It was a less than ideal set up to try inventory as I understand it (Jarrod of course could comment more. I think theres a thread that goes back a few months with more detail). Quality wasn't the issue though.

Happy anniversary and let us know what you get.
I bought my TI from Fendrihan.com. Great quality razor, and VERY sharp straight from the factory. I had to use my Escher on it to make the edge a little more friendly.
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