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Modern smoking jacket?

I'm wondering if anyone knows of any place that still sells/produces a modern looking smoking jacket. I honestly need one for practical purposes as my SWMBO is always complaining about my clothes after a cigar or a pipe.

Everything I'm finding are either very halloween costume-ish or overly expensive vintage jackets. I prefer to have one that's not so reto 70's in styling since I'm not looking to sport the Hugh Hefner look and I'm not trying to be one of those ironic hipsters.

Any help would be appreciated.




My elbows leak
Staff member
The smelly clothes thing is the whole reason the smoking jacket was adopted.
The modern smoking jacket isn't the crushed purple velvet thing Hugh Hefner used to sport.
Today, the "smoking jacket" is an inexpensive blazer you can pick up at a department store etc.
You won't feel out of place wearing it with slacks, jeans or Chinos and you won't get those weird "stares" from people who don't know the reason for a smoking jacket.
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My elbows leak
Staff member
lol..sounds weird..like going from a rolls royce to a toyota camry..lol...IMOO

Just a perception initiated by the excesses of the 70's.
The old smoking jackets were usually just regular jackets that people rotated into that purpose due to slight ember marks etc.
The smelly clothes thing is the whole reason the smoking jacket was adopted.
The modern smoking jacket isn't the crushed purple velvet thing Hugh Hefner used to sport.
Today, the "smoking jacket" is an inexpensive blazer you can pick up at a department store etc.
You won't feel out of place wearing it with slacks, jeans or Chinos and you won't get those weird "stares" from people who don't know the reason for a smoking jacket.

Great advice.

Unlike you want to be thought of as a "Dandy" get an inexpensive blazer.
I'm wondering if I can have something custom made in Turkey or Egypt for my needs. While a blazer sounds practical, it doesn't necessarily cover my legs and my pants tends to absorb a lot of the odors as well. It's too bad that people just can't find classic custom tailoring at affordable prices this day and age.

I'm wondering if I can have something custom made in Turkey or Egypt for my needs. While a blazer sounds practical, it doesn't necessarily cover my legs and my pants tends to absorb a lot of the odors as well. It's too bad that people just can't find classic custom tailoring at affordable prices this day and age.


You could use a cheap blazer with non-iron chinos/shirts. After you done smoking throw the items into a dryer for a few minutes with a dryer sheet. Comes out good as new and smelling fresh. Repeat!


My elbows leak
Staff member
I'm wondering if I can have something custom made in Turkey or Egypt for my needs. While a blazer sounds practical, it doesn't necessarily cover my legs and my pants tends to absorb a lot of the odors as well. It's too bad that people just can't find classic custom tailoring at affordable prices this day and age.


If it's around the house, and your not going to a specific location like a club or smoke room, just use a terrycloth bath robe, and the excellent advice from David above about a dryer sheet.
Excellent advice! I honestly hadn't even considered a smoking jacket in this day and age, but it makes perfect sense and I particularly like the advice about the blazer rather than the old style thing. In fact, I have one that I don't wear much anymore (a little out of style) that would be perfect!

Of course, around here, a 'smoking jacket' means my outdoor coat as I'm not allowed to smoke in the house. Back in Alberta in the winter, it meant a heavy parka.:001_rolle
Cheap trench coat from a thrift shop any of you smokers?

Not one myself, but reading the purpose of a smoking jacket and the needs of the OP, I think that the trench would do nicely. Except in summer. Your just SOL in 100 degree weather.
If you are concerned about an all-around cover up check for Becon or Beacon robes on EBay. They are spelled sometimes two ways. They are 1930/40/50 style bathrobes but are made from a cotton blanket material. They do not appear like you're headed for a men's bathhouse or "massage parlor". They are relatively inexpensive and machine wash in cold. Check EBay today and see various listings. The colors and patterns are almost Native American and can sometimes be seen in old western movies.
If you are concerned about an all-around cover up check for Becon or Beacon robes on EBay. They are spelled sometimes two ways. They are 1930/40/50 style bathrobes but are made from a cotton blanket material. They do not appear like you're headed for a men's bathhouse or "massage parlor". They are relatively inexpensive and machine wash in cold. Check EBay today and see various listings. The colors and patterns are almost Native American and can sometimes be seen in old western movies.

you know those were actual bathrobes, right?


and im (im)patiently waiting for the perfect beacon ("THE ONE") to pop up: perfect size, perfect color scheme (a stretch, i know). a beacon robe is one amazing garment.
I'd like to pick up a vintage velvet smoking jacket one day. Would be fun to have for parties and whatnot.

When I smoke cigars I just wear a different shirt, one that I don't really care about as to not stink up my other clothes.
IMO if you want a smoking jacket get the real deal and hang any looks you get from others. I smoke the occasional cigar and have a smoking jacket, my other half thinks its kind of cool. Says it gives me a more 'regal' aura !! A smoking jacket is a smoking jacet and a blazer is a blazer, so use each as it is supposed to be.
Traditionally a smoking jacket is worn to keep the offensive odour of smoke off your clothes.
I was reading an article recently that said because smoking is very non PC, smoking jackets are making a comeback as 'surfing jackets' in which men sit and surf the web.
I picked up a handmade smoking cap off the bay and on the rare occasion I smoke a cigar, I wear it. I look like a pretentious wanker, but it gets a laugh:001_smile

Traditionally a smoking jacket is worn to keep the offensive odour of smoke off your clothes.
I was reading an article recently that said because smoking is very non PC, smoking jackets are making a comeback as 'surfing jackets' in which men sit and surf the web.
I picked up a handmade smoking cap off the bay and on the rare occasion I smoke a cigar, I wear it. I look like a pretentious wanker, but it gets a laugh:001_smile


That makes sense. Thank you. Now you've peaked my curiosity of a smoking cap. I'm going to go search for this.
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