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Modern May 2024

Modern May

RazoRock SLOC
Gillette Nacet (7)
Yaqi Red Marble
Palmolive shave stick
A&E L'Orange Verte

IMG-DSC_6185 (1).JPG
366 daily shaves

Mühle Rocca R94Super Max Blue Diamond (2)Mühle Rocca Silvertip
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Hampshire Wool Fat (14)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
9/10 (Minor redness)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
8/10 (Smooth)


Nice kickstart of the week with Mühle Monday - effective, comfortable and smooth. This razor is definitely in my top 5 of all time.

Extended shave notes can be found here.

Enjoy your shave today!
Modern May 2024

Razor: Blackland Sabre L1 (63)
Blade: Personna GEM Coated (2)
Preshave: Cereve Hydrating Facial Cleanser; Brush: RazoRock Plissoft Monster Synthetic Shaving Brush - 26mm
Soap: VDH Unscented Luxury + Cremo Cooling
Aftershave: Cold water rinse;

Shave first and then shower.

No nicks; No irritation; Very close; Very smooth; This was an easy, pleasant DFS+ shave. A lot of pick ups.



Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Modern May

Last night’s cap-riding shave
Fatip Grande
Sharp Titanium (3)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky
AP ShaveCo Dinosaur G5C 28mm synthetic brush
Pre-shave: warm shower :001_wub:
Lather: ARKO!; face-lathered
Aftershave: Ulm Nom
Post-shave: face wash with shave binky and a drop of hyaluronic acid
Post-shave: Equate moisturizer

The edges of my blade seemed to dislike the pre-shower shave the day before. Got through the shave and changed my blade because anything less than enjoyment feels wrong.
Monday Modern May shave #13 rated 9.75/10 using:
  • Razor: Lambda Athena (#22-234)
  • Blade: Schick (1)
  • Brush: Razorock 400 Silver Noir Plissoft
  • Pre-shave: Noxzema
  • Soap: Dutch Kox Bergamot
  • Post shave: Thayer’s unscented Witch Hazel followed by Old Spice splash and Stirling Christmas Eve balm
I had a three-day beard rather than my typical two-day beard. I got an excellent shave from the Athena with a Schick blade from a relatively "modern" dispenser that I cannot really date. I did more research from the trademark angle and found that the particular mark that appears on the dispenser was registered in October 1993. The mark on the dispenser carries a registration mark (the R within a circle). So, I can only assume that these Schick blades are newer than October 1993 (probably 1994+). Frankly, the blade felt slightly tuggy even though it was fresh. This was extremely unusual in the Athena, which usually brings out the best in every blade I put in it. The end result was still a fantastic BBS in two passes plus touch ups.

My shave scoring log is found HERE.

Happy shaves everyone :badger:
Last edited:
First pass with Panasonic Washable Beard Trimmer
Preshave: shower and soak with St Johns Vetiver Bar Soap, plus the bloom water from the Oxford & Cambridge smeared on my face before the shave.
Brush: Shavemac 24 mm / 54 mm bulb two band silvertip DO1 in Copper Canyon
Soap: Czech & Speake Oxford & Cambridge made by Valobra
Razor: Wolfman WR2 1.25 SB / @Rosseforp GTB 19.2 gram handle
Blade: Gillette Super Stainless The Spoiler F4 Unsure of the date 1985 maybe made in the USA (2)
Post: PAA Alum, Thayer's Lavender Witch Hazel Toner
Splash: Czech & Speake Oxford & Cambridge
Frag: Czech & Speake Oxford & Cambridge
DFS+ 9.8
Two passes, and, a couple of red spots that didn't bleed. Little feedback from alum and splash. Lather was a bit thicker than normal. Could have used more water. Spoiler was sharp and smooth. A little blade feel on my upper lip both WTG and XTG. I resisted the urge to go ATG. Overall a decent shave, enough for a coffee meet at my favorite coffee shop, Hubbard and Cravens.


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Sunday 20240526
Modern May 2024
Razor: Above The Tie X1 Slant (TiBam Radiator Ti Handle)
Blade: Schick Proline P (8 shaves, 17 passes)

Monday 20240527
🇺🇸 Memorial Day 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 Remember Their Sacrifice 🇺🇸
Modern May 2024
Razor: Above The Tie X1 Slant (TiBam Radiator Ti Handle)
Blade: Schick Proline P (9 shaves, 19 passes)

Brush: RazoRock Hive Mokasoft HD Synthetic
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Lather: La Toja Cream
Aftershave: Clubman Pinaud

My face is happy!

Superb shaves!

Additional notes are in My Journal.
Modern May 2024

Razor: Karve Bison (5)
Blade: Gillette Perma-Sharp Super (1)
Preshave: Cereve Hydrating Facial Cleanser
Lather: Van der Hagen Luxury scented + Cremo Cooling
Aftershave: Cold water rinse;

Shave and then shower.

No nicks; No irritation; Very close; Very smooth; Pleasant DFS+ shave;

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