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Mitchell's Wool Fat

Love the jar, but not the soap. I've used it three times and now it just sits. Just a matter of taste as there are many here who think its the best.

What didn't you like about it? I've never tried it but alot of people seem to love it.
For the first time in quite awhile I used da fat this morning. I have a big floppy brush that I like to use with it as that is a good combo. Always amazed at how good it is for how little it cost.
I picked up my puck of MWF recently and I've done a few test lathers. It seems more airy and less yogurty than my other soaps. It still feels super slick and seems very dense and doesn't fade. So is this just the way it is with MWF. I'm shaving with it tomorrow one way or the other, but I just wanted to get some expert opinions on the type of lather it produces.
I picked up my puck of MWF recently and I've done a few test lathers. It seems more airy and less yogurty than my other soaps. It still feels super slick and seems very dense and doesn't fade. So is this just the way it is with MWF. I'm shaving with it tomorrow one way or the other, but I just wanted to get some expert opinions on the type of lather it produces.
The lather should be thicker than that. Perhaps a few more spins on the puck during the loading phase oughta do the trick. See the fat... Become one with the fat.
I can't get a good lather with my MWF. I have tried to lather on the puck, no success. I milled it down and pressed the flakes in a bowl today, no success. All I get is a weak airy lather. This is the only soap I own that I can not lather, but is one of the best smelling soaps...bad predicament.
I have never personally had issues lathering da fat, and it was my first. Lots of product. Lots of water. It is a thirsty soap that gives a nice rich lather. They say it takes more product than most to lather. Spend about 25% more time loading than you might with another soap. Use more water than you think you need.

If it helps, what I do is run warm water in the sink to shave with. MWF soaks in the water along with my brush while the sink fills and while I cleanse my face. I then load the brush after shaking it two or three times. Normally I don't need to add water or additional product, but if the lather doesn't pass muster I add which ever I think will produce what I'm looking for. I have also found that soft floppy brushes perform better with MWF than stiff brushes. Your technique may be much different and just as effective as mine, but this works for me.
Had my first shave with the fat today. Scent is nice and i have never seen a soap that gives you so much lather with a little work. Ok, Tabac falls in this slot but still. Even if it gived a ton of lather i didn't get water ratio right with it because the lather dried on my face after shaving just half of my face.

Next time going to add a little more water and work a bit longer to look if that's just a problem or is it just my hard water again trying to ruin my shaves.
Next time going to add a little more water and work a bit longer to look if that's just a problem or is it just my hard water again trying to ruin my shaves.
MWF does not work well with hard water, no matter how much you use.

Get a bottle of distilled water from the supermarket and try that ... you'll see a world of difference.
how does MWF compare to B&M? Ive only ever had TOBS and B&M (just got into wet shaving) and b&m blows tobs cream out of the park imo.

TOBS cream is a decent at best product espoused for its greatness by people who think they are getting a regal british shave product at a good price. It is obvious price is the only reason to buy it, and for that it is fine, but it certainly is outclassed by the other british shaving companies, including MWF.
I have hard water and MWF hasn't been a problem at all for me. I've never used anything but tap water with all of my soaps and creams. MWF lathers as well as any soap I've ever used.
TOBS cream is a decent at best product espoused for its greatness by people who think they are getting a regal british shave product at a good price. It is obvious price is the only reason to buy it, and for that it is fine, but it certainly is outclassed by the other british shaving companies, including MWF.

I agree that the TOBS cream isn't bad, but it's not a top tier product.

I received a tub of the sandalwood, I used it all, then replaced it. Then I found other products (all soaps) that are much better, IMHO.

On that note, the other day I put some TOBS sandalwood into my batch of MWF and that was killer. That's how I plan to use up the TOBS.
I just tried some out of a pass around box here in New Zealand and it was very pleasant. Will be getting some for sure. I found the performance similar to Tabac, YMMV
The performance and post-shave feel with MWF is stellar. I find that loading with a drier brush and then adding plenty of water while building the lather gives fantastic results.
Had my first shave with the fat today. Scent is nice and i have never seen a soap that gives you so much lather with a little work. Ok, Tabac falls in this slot but still. Even if it gived a ton of lather i didn't get water ratio right with it because the lather dried on my face after shaving just half of my face.

Next time going to add a little more water and work a bit longer to look if that's just a problem or is it just my hard water again trying to ruin my shaves.

I am am having the same problem. It tends to dry on my face quicker than I would like. Is this a too much water or not enough water issue?
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