Well my MWF arrived today so I gave it its first outing. Had to say I was dubious, living in a hard water area combined with using a soft Kent BK8 brush. After looking at advice for MWF I added some hot water to the top of the puck whilst I let my brush soak. After a couple of minutes I went to work on the puck for about 45 seconds and then began to apply to my face. Pleasantly surprised that I got a half decent lather and went on to have a great shave. I had to work the puck a bit more for subsequent passes which is ok I guess. As for the lather it was a little transparent if that's the right word but no worse a result than I get from Proraso soap in the green tub. Do others find the same with regard to MWF lather? I mainly use creams which possibly tend to lather a little better.