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Milwaukee Shave Spots?

Hey gents, I'm going to be taking a quick trip to Milwaukee with my dad, and I was just wondering if there were any good shops that sell shaving supplies? I know there's Merz in Chicago, and Pasteur pharmacy in NYC, but is there anything similar in Milwaukee? Thanks!

I would also take non-shaving suggestions of cool places to look around, eat, drink, whatever.
We have an Art of Shaving at Mayfair Mall in Wauwatosa if that's of interest. As far as general places to visit or dine at, most visitors check out the Art Museum, Public Museum, John Hawk's Pub, Performing Arts Center, Pabst Theater, PF Chang's (excellent Chinese food), etc.
Milwaukee has two incredibly good restaurants, which are not to be missed: Karl Ratzsch's (German) and Old Town Serbian Gourmet House.
The brass rooster in Bayview, your father's moustache in hales corners, and soaps and scents at Mayfair mall all have unique as well as common shave supplies. All are worth visiting, but brass rooster and soaps and scents are my two fav spots. Soaps and scents is just down from AOS at the mall.
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