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Mike's Natural - Hungarian Levander

I shaved with Mike's soap this morning. This is one impressing product!

Lately, I have been face lathering with a horse or boar brush. While I did not get an explosion like I get with Klar Kabinett the lather from Mike's was both very slick and cushioning. The post shave feel was great and it really is a moisturizing soap.

The levander scent is heavenly, calming to me and brought back childhood memories of collecting levander to put into clothing drawers instead of using moth balls.

For some reason I keep gravitating to products with EO fragrances like rose and levander. Not that I don't like the artificial, but pleasant smell of the Real Shaving Company cream as an example. However my taste is changing to appreciate natural scents more.
Mike's is a great product, no doubt about that. I had a sample of the lavender and it was very nice, although I do not think I could stand a whole bar/tin of it.
Mike's is a great product, no doubt about that. I had a sample of the lavender and it was very nice, although I do not think I could stand a whole bar/tin of it.

I kinda thought the same as you that it might be a bit much when i first got it. Buuuut after a few shaves it grows and grows on you. Love it more every day
Excellent product, Mike's. You may find that the lather "explodes" more by adding more water. They are thirsty soaps.
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