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Merkur Progress Uneven adjustment (not # alignment)

Hi All,

First post, first REAL razor... so easy on the flaming!

I just spent an insane amount of money at the box store at the mall (won't do that again!) on a real shaving setup. The razor is a Merkur Progress Adjustable. I do not have issues lining up the numbers with the alignment dot as others have mentioned... my issue is with the gap as I adjust the blade. Viewing from the side (looking horizontal with the length of the blade), as I adjust the gap, I noticed that the gap is not consistent left to right. When viewing from the side with the dot on the handle (above the numbers), the right side gap is noticeably wider than the left. Only when I fully tighten the blade to the 1 setting does the gap pull up on the right and form a consistent gap all the way across. I get it that there are threads doing the work, so like a jar, one side is tightening down first. Just seems that they would have worked this out given the fact that this is an $80 razor and the gap on the blade is a little more important than a jar of jam! Seems that if this is the case the shave would never be consistent across the blade (or skin)???

Is it normal for the gap to be uneven when using any setting other than 1 (all the way tight)???

Two shaves so far, zero blood! any basic tips for a clueless newb!?
While there may be a gap difference, it should be only thousandths of an inch. Anything visually obvious is a defect, and should be returned.
Thanks guys. Received an e-mail back from TAOS today saying to bring it in and they will swap it out. This will be my second trip back to the store since the first jar of cream was busted and wouldn't even open. Kind of frustrating after paying top dollar for this stuff!
Where do you guys shop for these products? Amazon? I see a lot on line but want to buy from a reputable dealer.
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There are many vendors connected to the site. It wouldn't be right to mention one of them. Go to the vendors section.
are you lining up the notch marks?

Yeah. I didn't know that at first, and learned that the numbers were off. But this problem has to do with gap spacing, which apparently is independent of the top plate position as it was off either way. I just swapped it out at TAOS and this new one has a near perfect gap.
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