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Merkur 39c faulty?

I posted before on here about me having problems with my new slant bar (39c)

The blade is protruding out more on one side than the other, making one side more aggressive.

If I spin the top cap of the razor round and leave the blade intact, it protrudes out more on the opposite side to before. So it sounds like the head is causing this problem.

Has anyone else noticed this on theirs? I've tried different blades and it's the same. I e-mailed Executive Shaving (where I purchased it) and explained, and he said give it a couple of weeks then maybe I can send it back for them to look at, but he said I was the only person out of all the slants he has sold that has had a problem.

The blade sticks out close to a millimetre more on one side than the other, am I the only person experiencing this? I've been looking at the razor for hours on end trying to figure it out but I can't see anything wrong. It feels like every time I buy something, there's something wrong with it :thumbdown
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Sorry to bump this, but has no one at all experienced anything similar to this?

The cap of my slant doesn't seem to be bent down more on 1 side than the other, although it could possibly be it's hard to tell as it's twisted.

Could it maybe anything to do with the 2 "bobbles" that slot into the blade holes being out of line, or wouldn't that cause the issue I'm having?
1. The fellas who sold you that razor have absolutely no right to tell you such a thing. I would go with one of the more popular vendors around here. They would've replaced that in a heart beat.

2. I've had the issue with mine but figured because of the nature of this razor it is susceptible to such a thing and found that with a little adjusting that it will sit in place. I've haven't found that even without adjusting that the shave is much more aggressive, just bugs me looking at it.

But alas, i've only had it since thursday so my word is as good as you take it.

Hope that helps.
Well nomatter how much blade adjusting it will always be more aggressive on 1 side due to something about the head, it may be that the head is slightly longer on 1 side even, hence why the blade pokes out more.

I am not impressed with the responses I've had so far. I've e-mailed them about 6 or 7 times about this now.
The first response I had was "we've sold 20 or so 39c's and no one else has had a problem with it"
Then it was general chit chat about trying different blades etc even though I explained to him that I have tried different blades, and also aligned the blade correctly, and in different ways.
Then he said give it about 2 weeks and see how it goes. I gave it about 4 or 5 days (knowing nothings going to change) and e-mailed him back. 2 or 3 days later I got a reply saying to send it back to him and he'll send it to a Merkur agent in London to have a look at it.
He didn't ask for an order number, or anything like that, just to post it to a certain address - is this dodgy? I've never had to return an item manually before.
All in all he seems a bit pissed off about the whole thing, like I'm wasting his time or something, at least it seems that way to me. Definately not professional customer service.

Now I've got to pay for postage to send off a faulty item, and all I'm thinking is they're going to send it back saying there's nothing wrong with it, as I'm talking about half a millimetre difference on one side, but it affects the shave so much it's unbearable to use. I'm worried they won't notice it or say it's normal.

Should I post it to them with normal 1st class or a recorded delivery? I'd rather go with the cheapest possible, in fact I don't believe I should be paying at all, normally the company pays for postage or collects it for you, and if it's not found faulty, then you pay.
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I rarely like to bite people, but this guy sounds like a numb-skull. He probably shaves with a kitchen knife.

Here's my advice--Go to merkur themselves. Chances are you'll get a better response.

Could you post some pics?

And if you deicde to ship the razor to them anyway, go on paypal and use their multiorder shipping. It should cost you about 2 bucks plus the cost of a bubble mailer to send it back to them. And paypal gives you a tracker for .19 cents instead of .60 that they charge at the PO.

Really sorry to hear about your situation. I know the position you're in--I experienced it a lot when I built computers for people and had defective products from tightwad companies and foreign manufacturers.
Ah I build computers too lol

Anyway I've been searching these forums for ages, since I first got the slant and noticed the problem, and quite a few people have been saying theirs is more aggressive on one side.

I can't post pics I haven't got a camera, but I'll try to explain:
When you load the blade, on the left (where the blade is least aggressive) it sticks out from the cap a little bit yes?
Flip the razor round 180 degrees, and on the left it's sticking out a lot more.
Also on the right hand side of the blade (the aggressive end) there is a big blade gap (which is normal) flip the razor round 180 degrees again and the blade gap is even bigger on the right hand side, as well as sticking out more.

If I turn the razor's head/cap round 180 degrees and leave the blade where it is, the aggressive side becomes the non-aggressive side, and vice versa.

If I send this off straight to Merkur, do I just go on their website and e-mail them about it? As stupid as this sounds I'm confused about how to go about returning this.
Thanks for the replies btw
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My best guess--Get a second opinion. If 3+ others look at it and say the same edge protrudes significantly, try contacting merkur. I'm sure after a while it'll get to your head and you'll believe it. I'm looking at my merkur slant and thinking the same. The shave quality doesn't seem any different, but it does look a TID different.
Ok as you have the slant at hand could you try this, to see if it happens to you as well (if possible):

Load the blade so that the aggressive end is poking out as much as it can, so it's like super slanted. The left end of the blade should be barely visible from the cap.
Then turn the razor round 180 and look at the other left end- is it sticking out slightly more?
This should exaggerate the problem I'm having and make it easier to notice.
If yours does the same as mine then I guess I'm just being picky, but i definately notice these things, especially when one side scrapes over the hairs and the other digs in to them :tongue_sm
I've read those posts before :001_smile what I mean is if you test it when the blade is loaded the wrong way (one end sticking out loads) it's easier to notice the problem I'm having, as the blade exposure should be the same nomatter what angle you load the blade at
I guess I see what you're saying. My thumbs are sore from turning this darn knob. I give up. I guess it's a tid off, but what do you expect? seems like the sort of thing that can't be exactly perfect.. or maybe it's just me. I can get mine to the point where it LOOKS satisfactory and shaves the same.
I have a Progress and I have to center the blade also. The "nipples" on the head are slightly smaller than the channel in the blade which causes a small amount of play. You just have to center the blade when loading.
I think it's normal. I had a slant and sold it because it got a bit too rough on my face. But when loading you have to centre the blade.

The combination of the twist, and shape of the head means there's play in the head when loading a blade. So you have to get it aligned or one side will be off.

I doubt you'll ever get it perfect, but it'll probably depend on the tolerances of that particular razor.
I have a Progress and I have to center the blade also. The "nipples" on the head are slightly smaller than the channel in the blade which causes a small amount of play. You just have to center the blade when loading.

I think it's normal. I had a slant and sold it because it got a bit too rough on my face. But when loading you have to centre the blade.

The combination of the twist, and shape of the head means there's play in the head when loading a blade. So you have to get it aligned or one side will be off.

I doubt you'll ever get it perfect, but it'll probably depend on the tolerances of that particular razor.

+ 1 with my 37C, 39C, and Progress...no big deal really as it doesn't affect shaving even when not centered, at least on mine. I figured centering the blade correctly while tightening down must be the case with a lot of 2 and 3 piece razors.
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I have a 39C that I used for 6 months before I read about this problem. Even though mine was doing it, it did not seem to affect the shave. It would work equally well on both sides, with the blade centered or not.

It seems to be a common complaint among 39C and certain other razors, mostly Merkur, but it happens to other brands as well.

Replacing the razor you have now with another one doesn't guarantee that the problem will be cured.

You can hold the blade in place (by the non-sharp ends) as you tighten down the head.

Don't give up on the 39C because of this ... even with off-centered blades, its my favorite razor, and one of the best you can get among the modern models.
I just shaved my face and head with a feather blade and kinda like the offset. It lets you flip it over and and make a more aggressive pass when ready.
Ok I am bumping this just to take back what I said regarding customer service. I recieved an e-mail back offering a full refund which I am taking.
I have been frustrated having to return numerous faulty items that I've purchased online recently and feel like I'm taking it out on them.
I see other people say it's not 100% centred nomatter what they do, so I guess I'm just picky, but if it's supposed to be 100% even on both sides then I expect it to be. I notice the difference a lot when shaving, and it's just not satisfying having a somewhat random shave if I regularly flip the razor when it's full of lather like you're supposed to.

I may try another 39c but judging by the comments I'm not certain it will be much different. I do really like the overall build quality of the razor, but if something so small can affect the shave so much, I think they should take a look at the quality of alignment, after all it is the most important part imo.

I am mostly writing this because I feel rude for putting ES down after the e-mail I recieved, I can see he's trying to help and I don't want to put anyone off buying from them in the future
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I dunno if it's significant, but i just got my Merkur Slant and it seems that the blade is more exposed along one side. They run perfectly parallel to the safety bar, but the blade juts out more from the safety cap on one side. Should this be an issue?
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