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Mennen Skin Bracer & Aqua Velva - Different Scents

I'm especially a freak for the old scents that remind me of all the good things of my childhood. That's why I can't buy enough Schulton Old Spice, wear Original Mennen Skin Bracer, original Clubman Pinuad and Original Aqua Velva regularly.

While surfing eBay I came across other scents of AV and Skin Bracer.

Here's my question, has anyone used these other scents and what is your opinion?

Mennen Skin Bracer Cool Spice is great for the Fall & Winter Months, definitely different from the Original, I'm reminded of the Holidays when I wear this, an excellent Christmas/New year time scent.

Mennen Skin Bracer Cooling Blue is fine for the Hot Summer Months, has that spice of the Orginal with some Aquamarine notes, I use all three.

Original; February-May
Cooling Blue; June-September
Cool Spice; October-January
Mennen Skin Bracer Cooling Blue is fine for the Hot Summer Months, has that spice of the Orginal with some Aquamarine notes, I use all three.

Cooling Blue to me has a pine note, and is reminiscent of the original Ralph Lauren Polo. It's a decent scent, but I much prefer the original Skin Bracer.

Be aware when purchasing vintage aftershaves off of Ebay, that there is potential for the scent to have turned, if it was stored in adverse conditions. I have had several bottles of vintage Aqua Velva (that I bought primarily for the glass bottle anyway) that smelled wretched, and nothing like Aqua Velva at all; they had obviously turned.
Aqua Velva Ice Sport is lighter than Ice Blue and is a good summer A/S. Everyone says it smells exactly like Cool Water.
Skin Bracer Cool Spice is my favorite AS. I wear it year-round.
More cooling than Old Spice. It works well with Proraso SC, especially on hot, muggy days.
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I really like AV Ice Sport and Ice Blue, if you like Skin Bracer, try Barbasol Brisk, its a clone of skin bracer that you can get for under $2 at Dollar General stores and its fantastic, you may also like Barbasol Pacific Rush
I cannot find any Barbasol in a splash, the Pacific Rush in a balm and no Brisk at all. And believe me, I've looked.

Just picked up a bottle of the AV Ice Sport yesterday after having my wife give it a sniff at Target for her approval.
Where do you live that Target has it? The only place I've been able to find it at is a Dominicks that will be closing at the end of the year...

Just picked up a bottle of the AV Ice Sport yesterday after having my wife give it a sniff at Target for her approval.
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