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Memories of Sue

Gents, I have been in shock since learning of Sue passing away. I have felt sad. I have prayed a few times since yesterday. I have several happy memories of Sue though and they have sustained me since yesterday.

I have known about Sue being partially blind and not being able to walk for a few years. I have kept mum about it because I know she did not want to draw attention to her conditions. She was always graceful and full of class.

I rarely do beta testing for artisan vendors. I have been asked countless times and have always turned them down. I am a brutal tester and really did not want to be bothered. Nevertheless, when Sue asked me if I would try out some shave creams she was having trouble with, I melted and agreed. Don't think that I gave Sue any slack. I was always honest and told her the truth about her creams and scents. She always took my criticisms constructively and worked on improving her products. It was normal for her to go through several batches before she got it right.

Sue would confide in me that her profit margins were slim or nil. I asked her or begged her to raise her prices. She declined because she wanted you guys to enjoy her products. She knew she would not get rich making her products but she was happy when you were happy.

I once had a product in mind. I emailed Sue and asked her make it for me. She always said yes and tried to give it to me. I always declined and made her send me an invoice. I did everything I could to support her business. You can't make free products and expect to stay in business.

We talked about our families. She would always ask about my boy when he was deployed. She remembered the names of my family. She was full of grace.

Lastly, I was fortunate enough to say goodbye to Sue on Saturday. Mark went to visit her and he called me so I could talk to Sue. She seemed happy. I told her I loved her and I would see her again. She said the same thing.

If you have a story to share about Sue, please do so.

Antique Hoosier

Several years ago I used to buy and sell on the BST quite a bit. On one such occassion I received a PM from Sue Moore concerning an Edwin Jagger Bulbous Ebony Razor I was offering. Sue was such a delight to deal with as she was one of the sweetest gals to communicate with. She was purchasing it for a family member and we stayed in touch off and on over the last 4 years.

Sue was in contact with me when my Dad suffered his massive stroke... She would sometimes just drop me a message from time to time to check on Dad's progress and recovery.

Sue Moore Rest in Peace. You touched my life in a very positive way.
Beautiful story Austin :thumbup1:. I, have not had the pleasure of dealing with Sue, in the past, but have always felt the connection...through those that have. So, I will miss her "presence". Visiting the website is a harsh reminder of what Wendy and her family are now going through.


I wanna be sedated!
Thanks for the post Austin. For us newbies or fairly newbies all we have is what the rest of you tell us......

One more very touching story.


Thank you for sharing the kind words, Austin. Sue was loved around these parts and her memory will live on. My condolences to her family.

Rest in peace.

She will be missed.
Thank you Austin. I have a poem to share. Godspeed Sue and Wendy, you are in all of our thoughts and prayers.

I am standing upon the seashore.
A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze
and starts for the blue ocean.

She is an object of beauty and strength,
and I stand and watch until at last she hangs
like a speck of white cloud
just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says,
" There she goes! "

Gone where?

Gone from my sight . . . that is all.

She is just as large in mast and hull and spar
as she was when she left my side
and just as able to bear her load of living freight
to the place of destination.

Her diminished size is in me, not in her.

And just at the moment
when someone at my side says,
" There she goes! "
there are other eyes watching her coming . . .
and other voices ready to take up the glad shout . . .

" Here she comes! "
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I ordered some samples of her aftershaves. I particularly like the Extract of Lime splash, but I really wanted to try the Milk. So I ordered a sample of the Lime AS Milk. When the package arrived, it turned out to be another sample of the splash. I was slightly disappointed, but didn't say anything. I just put the Lime aftershave Milk on my Christmas or birthday wish list.

So, my wife ordered the Milk, along with some other things. When the package arrived......you guessed it, it was another sample of the splash.

I sent a message to Sue explaining the situation. I told her that as much as I loved the splash, I really wanted to try the milk so I could decide which one was for me.

A week or so later, I get a package in the mail. In it was a full-sized bottle of the AS milk, a full-size puck of soap, and assorted other goodies. I told her that she really shouldn't have given me the full-sized bottle; that I wasn't even upset about the prior mix-ups, because I liked the splash just fine; and that adding a full puck of soap was just WAY too much.

All she said was that she really hoped that I would enjoy the AS milk.

And that exemplifies the kind of person Sue Moore was. Saint Sue, indeed.

We will all miss her.
Thanks for your post, Andrew.

I got hooked on SCS products before I became acquainted with Sue. She was always very pleasant in our communications. A few years back I was organizing a B&B meet-up in N. Texas when I received a PM from Sue. SCS offered to provide sample packages of their AS/ASB as well as a welcome home gift for a recently returned soldier. I was overwhelmed by Sue's generosity and kindness. The box that arrived contained enough samples for 40 people even though 20 had been expected. Needless to say, the samplers and welcome home gift were a hit.

After this I became an even bigger fan of Sue and SCS (Wendy, too). Like others have posted, there was always a few extra goodies in the order. My wife even got into the act, she has the four "Just Say Wen" EDTs, a mess load of lotions and even her own bottle of Lavender EDT. My son's favorite EDT is Dagger. He had it one two mornings ago and it brought a smile to my face.

A few months back Sue was trying to reformulate her shave creams so I received a few of the testing runs. We passed PMs daily about this lather or that lather. It was hardly anything resembling a chore. It was more like a labor of love. A B&Ber lives for that kind of stuff. After the trials I received a package from Sue. It contained a thank you gift for helping out.

That was the Sue I knew. Kind, generous and always willing to lend a good word or do a good act. She will be well remembered.

I am glad to know that I have a cabinet full of little hugs from Sue.
I too was one of her testers for an EDt. In fact, the process went so smooth, I kept wondering what she needed me for.

Anyway, on one of my frequent purchases, I happened to mention that I wouldn't be ordering for a while as I would need to tend to SWMBO due to upcoming surgeries.

Sue was kind enough to ask about what scents my wife liked and and fixed her up a 'goodie bag' to use after her surgery. She didn't even charge me for it-just added to purchases. From then on, whenever I purchased something shave related that my wife liked, she wanted to know if Sue made it-and if she didn't could she? I still haven't told her that Sue has passed away.....

Sue is one of a kind and she will be missed by those of us she made smile.

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