Had wanted to do this a little while back but missed the opportunity. Well last night she was preparing to shave her legs and I offered to do it for her. She kind of looked at me a bit funny and agreed. Whipped up some Stirling naked and smooth, while I laid a warm towel on her first calf as I moved along I would wet the next section to be shaved and reward the towel moving it ahead of me. A DSC Mars SE with Nacet worked quite well for this task. At first the angle was hard to figure until I listened for the audible feedback. I had asked her previously about which direction she shaved WTG or ATG to which she replied WTG. I began the first leg this way and when I was about done she said “you shave the opposite direction of what I shave”. I had wondered about this since it was leaving just the SLIGHTEST stubble on her leg but was doing as she told me she did lol. Well I began lathering the second leg up and went ATG let me tell you that leg was smooth and slick as could be when I was done. I asked her about razor burn or irritation which she denied and still did this morning! Not a single letting of blood either. Knees and ankles were not nearly as much of an issue as I thought they would be, though the ankles were the tougher part since I didn’t think to have her flex her foot toward her shin while I was doing the ankles.
Needless to say I’ll have to put some more Nacets away hah hah.
We both enjoyed the time together, I enjoyed doing something for her and she enjoyed not having to do that chore herself.
ETA: the little DSC cosmetics Mars SE is a great little razor for this task in case anyone has a woman in their life that is interested in wet shaving her legs or underarms.
Needless to say I’ll have to put some more Nacets away hah hah.
We both enjoyed the time together, I enjoyed doing something for her and she enjoyed not having to do that chore herself.
ETA: the little DSC cosmetics Mars SE is a great little razor for this task in case anyone has a woman in their life that is interested in wet shaving her legs or underarms.
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