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Melton Mowbray Pork Pie! (Pics)

Good morning chaps. A couple of nights ago I made my own version of Melton Mowbray Pork Pie. Go down the page about halfway and look at the photo to see what it should look like.

Mine own effort came out nearly identical and I am pleased with the results. Normally pork pies are made individually and I will do that later as well. I got this recipe from Video Jug and it worked smashing well. I have included the pics. I love these things but with the amount of lard in the crust I daren't even look at the calorie and fat content. The crust is so flaky it is impossible to grasp that you boil the milk and lard. Just trust me, these are grand. Enjoy.

Regards, Todd

Here's the pie freshly cut and ready to serve;


Here's the money shot;


And the piece I wolfed down seconds after I took the photo;

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Nice, very tasty indeed with a bit of mustard or pickle

My dad used to make them until his heart attack.

...only kidding. :wink2: Boiling up some trotters will also give you some tasty jelly to fill the void as the meat shrinks.
looks pretty tasty!
I use an old family recipe for Tourtiére that uses ground pork... it's one of my favorites. Of course, it's a heart-attack on a plate, but well worth it. I think I'll give one of these a try next time. Thanks.
Thanks for the replies lads. I used 600ml of chicken stock with gelatin for the liquid fill. I had a hole in the crust though and lost most of it. Dang. The first one I made last year fared better. I would definitely prefer a pork based broth to make the gelatin from.

BTW, I forgot to mention the HP sauce to go with it. Nothing quite like brown sauce for pork pie. The only trouble with this pie is that it is undoubtedly gone. My wife absconded with the rest to take to her work. She said it was my penance for taking the last one to my job. Oh well. I guess I will just have to make another one. What a shame?:lol:

Regards, Todd
I think this pie will be quite an odd concept to many of the members here but you've inspired me, I'll dig up my dad's old recipe book (really true) in time for a Xmas treat.

You must be English or an Anglophile to like HP? English mustard for me with cold pork.
It does have bacon in it. Three rashers of apple wood smoked to be precise. Frankly, it should have NO cured or smoked pork of any kind to be a true English pork pie. The recipe calls for bacon but it means English or Irish belly bacon(side meat = uncured bacon to us) which is uncured or smoked. Every once in awhile you get just a nip of the smoked bacon and it adds a nice flavour. I love these things.

Regards, Todd
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I think this pie will be quite an odd concept to many of the members here but you've inspired me, I'll dig up my dad's old recipe book (really true) in time for a Xmas treat.

You must be English or an Anglophile to like HP? English mustard for me with cold pork.

Odd to some, divine to me. I am almost all English/Irish. There may be a smattering of this and that in the blood but the Isles run deep in me. My dad's family was here before the Revolutionary war(English with the God sent Irish blood of my dad's name in 1800) and my mom's family came not long after. They have the common if sturdy old English name of Hardy. So yeah, I come by it honestly.

I grew up eating stuff like meat pies, custards of every kind, scones(biscuits over here but I haven't called them that for years), Yorkshire puds, Sunday roast, you name it. It was just tucker to us but I now realise my whole family ate English/Scots/Irish food most times. And desserts? Forget about it. A nice steamed jam rolly poly or Banoffee pie is just the thing. Most people look at me like I am crazy when I mention this stuff but it disappears in NO TIME when I make it. Heck, I had smoked salmon and eggs for breakfast Saturday morning! As for HP sauce, who in their right mind doesn't like it? It is not the same as our American A1 or Heinz 57. It is something of its own and I love it. And give me the mustard too!

And mcandre. Do make the pork pie. It would be nice to see or hear about the results. It makes me want to whip up another one soon. Now how much diced pork do I have left?....

Regards, Todd
Sadly HP Sauce is now made in the Netherlands. They were bought out by Heinz who closed the old Birmingham factory.

At least we can still get proper English mustard!

Hello Gareth. Yeah, just doesn't seem right does it? Dutch HP sauce? I grabbed about six bottles of the UK produced stuff and put it away in pure spite of the manoeuver. I know there was some movement toward Daddies brown sauce as a replacement since it was still UK made. I do not know how it compares to HP in flavour since I have never used it. Still, I will enjoy my hoard till it is gone.

Regards, Todd
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