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Manliest Smelling Shaving Cream

Which shaving cream (or hard soap), in your opinion, has the manliest scent?

I'm a relatively new DE shaver and have tried AoS unscented, Tabac, and Proraso--I'm looking to pickup a product with a strong scent.
Soap scents don't get much stronger than Tabac.

Are you looking for a scent that lingers after you're done shaving? The scent of a soap or cream won't last much longer than the shave does. Maybe you want a manly AS or EdT?

Given that it's winter, you might try Pinaud's Clubman Special Reserve AS/cologne. It's a leathery scent, and it lasts. And lasts.
I'm not much for creams, but I've tried many soaps now and the manliest smelling by far are Tabac and Proraso Green.

...Now that I think about it, I've got a tube of cream called Wild Stone from India that smells pretty darned manly as well. It's like the Axe of India, as far as I can tell. It's also the best lathering out of the creams I've tried. I've only seen it available from desistores.net. If you're interested Mr. Vandelay, PM me your address and I'll send you a sample.

Couldn't resist a couple commercials:
I'm a relatively new DE shaver and have tried AoS unscented, Tabac, and Proraso--I'm looking to pickup a product with a strong scent.
You may want to consider switching to wearing a cologne or eau de toilette after the shave. The scents you're after are more outspoken than strong in the usual parlance, meaning that they don't really last: they were not meant nor designed to. Also, your choice is much less limited with colognes.

Tabac qualifies; Aramis probably too (if it's anything like the EdT, that is). You could also go for a mix of gasoline, lard, abrasive and pure scotch for that ... subtle touch :lol:.

Extremely classical and manly is rose-scented soap or cream. Musgo Real I'd classify as 'ye olde school' rather than 'manly'; and Speick is pfffrrrttt....
I would pick up some cedarwood essential oil (I got some at Whole foods for under $5); add one or two drops to your unscented AOS and you will have some manly smelling lather.
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