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Man Bag Help

I've had a bag similar to the one linked below for about 10 years. My mother in law, who is not from the US, got it for me, primarily for travel. It's made of thick leather and would be difficult to lift or steal from compared to possibly pickpocketing. I think the thing is downright awesome but I've only used it in Hong Kong because nobody will know me!

So are these things useful for guys in the States or will it just be consider a man purse and all the negative connotations thereof? If you use one, how do you use it, such as situations or places that it works? What kind of items do you carry?


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Mike H

Instagram Famous
If you like it, carry it.

Also links to live auctions are not allowed, but you can link to a completed auction, BIN, or just post a picture.
If you like it, carry it.

Big +1 on that.

If other guys don't like it or think it's a "man purse", that's their problem. They probably look plenty stupid with all their belongings stuffed into the pockets of their ugly cargo shorts anyway.

I live in a city that's very touristy and I've only seen Asian tourist carry these style bags. If you like it, use it. I think its a great bag for travel.
+1 on what they said! *points up* If you like it, and it holds the stuff you need to carry, then rock it! Too much time is wasted worrying about what others may think...I'd much rather have a handsome bag than overloaded pockets. YMMV.
I use this one when flying or travelling. It is also useful in summer when you don't have pockets. No one has said anything to me about it!

Man purse. No matter what you try to call it, it's a man purse. Satchel. Case. Does not matter.

Now that I've said that. When I have to fly I always carry a "satchel" (man purse) and I don't care what others think..... it works!!!

I've been using a Victorinox Westminster for a while now. Great bag, plenty of room for my everyday essentials plus my tablet, a note pad, pens etc. Plus it has a key fob and a zip up water bottle pocket.

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I've been carrying this bag on and off for over 10 years. I love it. It's lightweight, functional, and it holds a lot more than appears possible.

I was once asked, "Is that a man purse?" My answer, "I guess." It was no big deal.

Perfect for airline travel, day trips, hiking, etc.

If you like the bag, and it suits your needs, then don't worry about what other people might think.



B&B membership has its percs
Some interesting things here, guess it all comes down to what you really need to haul about. A professional photographer we understand, as when I had first large hornbooks, then files to haul to headquarters or to court (different bags each). In between once in a while a kangaroo golf bag worked for my "stuff".

I'm agreeing with Mr. Bond, if it doesn't fit in your tuxedo you are in the wrong business

But, I really can't figure out why a man, without files for a business purpose, needs anything more than a pocket and a half of said cargo shorts. A pressed handkerchief, small set of keys, swiss knife & money clip. In the other pocket, the PPK or J-Frame. If you are so frail you need a cell phone & tablet bag, get your nanny to carry it in a proper purse with your bottle.

But, seriously, is the fanny pack out?
These messenger bags are very popular with medical school residents who need a convenient place for ipad charts and other stuff while staffing the hospitals.
Haha this is great. I guess there are no questions if you have a big CAT symbol on the bag. Nobody can mess with that. It actually is perfect size to store a Kindle or 7 inch tablet and would be perfect for flying. I use a nice drawstring bag for my in flight goodies but this would be a bit more protective and easy to find.
I've used the Briggs & Riley Baseline Map Bag for several years, and I love it. I don't think they're made anymore, but you can still find a few places that have them.


B&B membership has its percs
I'd still ask, the question Why? do you need more than two pockets? Understand if you are the chief trauma doctor at the white house,
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