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Looking for some opinions on my next razor purchase

Hope everyone is doing well. Always looking for nice deals when it comes to vintage razors, but might be in the market for a new razor later on. When it comes to new razors I have been looking at thiers issard, Korrat, rigarazor, and a wacker/revisor (living in Germany atm). My current collection has a bunch of heljes, a filli 14, a Puma, Orion, 01 8/8 PRC and a couple sheffields. So I have a good spread but some space for new razor or 2. Below are my thoughts on the razors listed above - looking to see if I'm missing anything.

Thiers Issard - wanting to add some C135 steel to the collection. Liking the idea of buying a pair in plain scales. Think I would enjoy the steel and possibly have a new razor to use when having fun on the stones. Only worry is if I get one with warping issues. (Don't mind ugly bevels that much and rolling x strokes not a problem. But don't feel like trying to correct a new razor).

Korrat - would probably just get 1 (Purist). Heard good stuff but not a fan of the scales lacking a wedge, and sometimes looking to be a bit thick (scales).

Rigarazor - same thing as above but with better scales IMO. Not sure how the steels compare though.

Revisor/Wacker- would probably roll with the Wacker. Believe it would be very similar feeling as my other razors though. Not sure if I would prefer the steel on these or the thiers issard.

Anyway just rambling, I'm sure they will all be in the collection at some point in my life. Cheers
Do you have a grind preference? If you're looking for a heavier grind, Rigarazors are pretty special. Nothing wrong with the Koraat Purist but I like the Riga style personally.

However, if I was living in Germany I'd be taking a long, hard look at the Revisor "rarities" listings.
Hope everyone is doing well. Always looking for nice deals when it comes to vintage razors, but might be in the market for a new razor later on. When it comes to new razors I have been looking at thiers issard, Korrat, rigarazor, and a wacker/revisor (living in Germany atm). My current collection has a bunch of heljes, a filli 14, a Puma, Orion, 01 8/8 PRC and a couple sheffields. So I have a good spread but some space for new razor or 2. Below are my thoughts on the razors listed above - looking to see if I'm missing anything.

Thiers Issard - wanting to add some C135 steel to the collection. Liking the idea of buying a pair in plain scales. Think I would enjoy the steel and possibly have a new razor to use when having fun on the stones. Only worry is if I get one with warping issues. (Don't mind ugly bevels that much and rolling x strokes not a problem. But don't feel like trying to correct a new razor).

Korrat - would probably just get 1 (Purist). Heard good stuff but not a fan of the scales lacking a wedge, and sometimes looking to be a bit thick (scales).

Rigarazor - same thing as above but with better scales IMO. Not sure how the steels compare though.

Revisor/Wacker- would probably roll with the Wacker. Believe it would be very similar feeling as my other razors though. Not sure if I would prefer the steel on these or the thiers issard.

Anyway just rambling, I'm sure they will all be in the collection at some point in my life. Cheers
The last two TI razor I baught did not have any geometry issues.
They take and hold a good edge. The steel hones up quite easy on jnat's (at least on my stones).
Not 100% positive but I think I saw a video that Gary Haywood did on YouTube with a rigarazor with dragon scales if you wanted to have a look and hear what he's got to say about them. Some information is better than non as I see it.
No preference on grinds. I do have a Orion/kikuboshi razor that I love. Very picky now days when I do get a vintage razor, mostly looking at Swedish razors and some Japanese razors. I will take a look at the revisor rarities though, thank you for that heads up!

Thanks for the input everyone
Korrat - would probably just get 1 (Purist). Heard good stuff but not a fan of the scales lacking a wedge, and sometimes looking to be a bit thick (scales).
I don't understand the "scales lacking a wedge" point. The Purist description says this:

The scales are made either out of black ebony, white ebony (persimon), black & white ebony (royal ebony) or makassar ebony and have a black or white Juma wedge.
Rasoir Sabre France - Ertan Süer

Buy direct from his rasoir-sabre dot com website using PayPal. Navigation is a little odd, but look at all the "rasoirs coupe-choux".

Lots of choices, all good. You will get personal service, and with many of the higher end razors, a beautiful leather case.

Good steels, both from HH in Solingen and his own custom blanks produced by Forges Foréziennes. Scales in a variety of horn and woods.

If you just want to dip you toes into RSF, he still has a basic Gustave LaLune for €99. Incredible deal. I have one.

I also have a bunch more, mainly 6/8, but some 5/8 and the Russian Bear 7/8.

His etching and branding project a subtle good humor.
@Christian1212 , just re-read your post. You are in Germany - jump on the RSF opportunity. If I was over there I would probably try to arrange a visit to RSF in Le Thillot.

And get a Wacker. My Wacker 5/8 7-day set is great, but my Chevalier is treasured.

BTW, I have a Koraat, a Rigarazor, and a basic 6/8 T-I. I like all of them, but if I was going for a second new razor from that three, it would be a Rigarazor. I do like heavy grinds, not that RSF makes anything heavy.

Of all the brands you mentioned, only T-I has been of inconsistent quality in my experience, and is the least 'shave ready'. I returned one brand new 5/8 T-I with an unacceptable edge and poorly made scales. My T-I 6/8 is fine, just needed a little finish honing.
I have three from Rasoir Sabre France - Ertan Süer.
His 100C6 steel is really good. He also hardens these to 58-59. They still hold an edge really well. So if you like the design, these are highly regarded at least by me.
I don't understand the "scales lacking a wedge" point. The Purist description says this:

The scales are made either out of black ebony, white ebony (persimon), black & white ebony (royal ebony) or makassar ebony and have a black or white Juma wedge.
Might have worded it badly but I like for the wedge/spacer to be angled a little bit. Attached a photo of what I normally see on the korrat razor and then the wedge one of my razors.
All the brands listed are top notch. At this point it’s mostly aesthetics. Get what catches your eye.

That Boker 8/8 are really nice.
Not 100% positive but I think I saw a video that Gary Haywood did on YouTube with a rigarazor with dragon scales if you wanted to have a look and hear what he's got to say about them. Some information is better than non as I see it.
That is a great video! Gary likes the Rigarazor. But more importantly, if you observe carefully you will see that almost every stroke involves stretching the skin. Sometimes he opens his mouth wide and uses a lip position to stretch the kin on his chin. This is a great video for new shavers to see a good shaving technique - highly recommended!

Might have worded it badly but I like for the wedge/spacer to be angled a little bit. Attached a photo of what I normally see on the korrat razor and then the wedge one of my razors.
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Most of the Koraat razors I have seen with plastic/acrylic scales have a wedge with a decent taper. Maybe the taper on some scales are quite subtle. With the particular razor shown in your post I would be more concerned with the balance if the wedge is made of steel.
A balanced razors is important to me.
You need a heavy blade to balance heavy scales.
Most of the Koraat razors I have seen with plastic/acrylic scales have a wedge with a decent taper. Maybe the taper on some scales are quite subtle. With the particular razor shown in your post I would be more concerned with the balance if the wedge is made of steel.
A balanced razors is important to me.
You need a heavy blade to balance heavy scales.
I think some of it depends on the scale material. My 14 2.0 has a true wedge but you'll see some of his exotic wood scales with more of a spacer or even a turned metal spacer. My own limited experience with wood scales is that they're less flexible than horn or acrylic and as such needs less of a wedge angle.

If you look at Griffith's site, compare the Böker 5/8 olivewood to the the 6/8 curly birch or the wenge. The last two have non-tapered spacers.
I think some of it depends on the scale material. My 14 2.0 has a true wedge but you'll see some of his exotic wood scales with more of a spacer or even a turned metal spacer. My own limited experience with wood scales is that they're less flexible than horn or acrylic and as such needs less of a wedge angle.

If you look at Griffith's site, compare the Böker 5/8 olivewood to the the 6/8 curly birch or the wenge. The last two have non-tapered spacers.
My first koraat was camel bone scales and the round metal spacer. Like yours, the 14 2.0 has a true wedge.
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