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Help identifying several straights, please

You know you've gone way too far into a hobby/obsession when your friends start buying you things. So here I am and a friend sent me 5 straights. I've never had or used a straight, I know absolutely nothing, so I need your help please. Would you help me identify these? Also let me know which are garbage and could be used to learn how to clean up and hone and if any are better and I should take particular care of. Thank you in advance for your help!

Here is what my friend sent me:

This one has a x on the handle and the blade, and says KC SEELBACH CO, NEW YORK SOLINGEN GERMANY

This one says King of Whiskers on the box and blade, 3/8 REG, Washington Cutlery Company, Milwaukee WI

This says Griffon in script on one side and the other has an image of a Griffon and says Germany, the scales are translucent

This one has flowers by the rivets and says Max Dörner Solingen Germany on one side and Best Silver Steel, Extra Hollow Ground on the other. The scales have a grain to them

This says F W Engles Solingen Germany on one side and Lafayette in script on the other, could the scales be bone?

As I said, I don't know anything and I'd love to learn more about these razors, thank you!


Staff member
I don't think any are garbage, and all look like they can be made to shave again. There were a squillion razor brands in those days (20's-30's), and most have been long forgotten. These are some of them. None are particularly valuable, but that doesn't mean they are bad quality.

Good razors to practice restoration without too much risk.
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