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Looking for more strop variety

I have an older Illinois strop (No 127, horsehide, at least I assume it is horsehide since it has a horse stamped in there and it might be old enough to be horse) that is a bit banged up but still quite functional, the surface is like glass (which I'm guessing is further proof that it is horse). I'm looking for a good midrange strop with decent drag which I can use before hitting the horsehide. Something a bit nicer than a Filly but not too expensive. I'm not interested in TMs products, and wondering if I'm missing anything beyond what Ruprazor and SRD offer? A new linen or canvas strip would be nice but isn't necessary, especially if it will get me more bang for the buck.
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Has it always been though? Mine is pretty old, and I was under the (maybe mis-)understanding that it used to be horse.
I had a vintage 127, and it was definitely horsehide.

The new ones are cowhide. TYhe grain on the backside is diffferent, which is how you should be able to tell.
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