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Look Mom, I Made the News, On TV and Newspaper

Congrats on your shop. I wish you lots of success. I wish I had a place like that locally - where I could just go in and pick up some Speick, etc.
Well done Ray!! Dont forget to get women in there, after all 90% of sales are influenced by women. I learned that before I was laid off :biggrin:
Good stuff Ray.

Didn't know you had such a nice car collection too....oh hold on that was the ad for the Conneticut car show before the clip :001_tongu

Only thing is, some of the Thirdeye mystique is gone now I've seen you and heard you :001_smile

Good luck with the business. I'd come for a shave but the airfare and hotel fees are a ***** :001_smile

( no gratuitous shots of sandals and socks though :bored: )
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