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Linux Mint

So...Linux is some kind of computer whatchamacallit? Is it like those disks you put in the make the thing work, or is it something like the Sims, or maybe like Pong?

I guess it's beyond me. Can I get some LInux at Walmart?

Will it work in my TRS-80?:tongue_sm


The wife's investment
Uh...Dennis...nice try, but I only counted 4 pieces of flair? Could you go back in and add some more flair please? I'd like to see AT LEAST 15 pieces of flair. Look at Cory's last post...the one with the signs? THAT was a lot of flair.

You are a flair-ure.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Sorry to have missed this auspicious occasion.:lol::lol::lol::lol:


Sorry about that Mr. G. Did you see the other post that was going to be my 2000th post?

I know that the founder of this great and powerful thread is the Czar of the Cheddar Curtain. Over the past months, Cory has had many outstanding things to share about his home state of Wisconsin.

Even though Wisconsin leads the nation in alcoholism and morbid obesity, and even though the professional sports teams in the state feature foam cheeseheads and actual sausage races, and even if the state is populated largely by open-mouthed-large-foreheaded men with reddish beards and guns, naked overweight-beer-swilling people of both genders along the muddy gravel banks of the apple river; we often forget that it is a SIGNIFICANT center of learning.

I want to call your attention to one of the finest universities in Wisconsin, just north of the imaginary Cheddar Curtain. It is "world famous" in our local area as the Harvard of Southern Racine County.

http://www.lawsonomy.org/ This is the home page. I'm sorry to say we missed the reunion/homecoming last week.

And a video tour of the facility...easily reached. No wonder Lynch is such a bright guy! (And don't kid yourself...the guy in this video isn't "Larry"...I'm pretty sure his name is CORY...compare with pics that Old Saw is soon to release...)

What?!?! You mean Cory's a Yooper? No way was that guy not from the U.P.

Has this been thrown in, yet?

I actually had that one ready to load, but it got bumped for something else.


The wife's investment
Oh, and just in case anyone cares we won the race from Charlevoix to Beaver Island and back. In two days of racing I went from being sun burned like a french fry to being frozen to a life line.


The wife's investment

sorry to butt in on your thread, but I was just really happy to see a linux thread in a shaving forum. Penguins are marching!!!

(I have been a Sabayon Linux user for a few years now (gentoo-based)).


Welcome to B&B and... uh... this thread.
Oh, and just in case anyone cares we won the race from Charlevoix to Beaver Island and back. In two days of racing I went from being sun burned like a french fry to being frozen to a life line.

Mr. Gillette is a BIG fan of Beaver Island (Get your head out of the gutter, zeni!) It's a lovely place. I have been there often.

CONGRATS on the race...I hope, when you accepted your award, you accepted it on behalf of all your friends here at B&B. I hope you were clean shaven, and I HOPE more than anything, that you positively REEKED of Old Spice (Shulton) when you stepped off the boat.

Finally, I hope your boat was sporting lots of FLAIR when you crossed the finish line. I hope the crowd in boats around you gasped and said "WOW! LOOK at all that FLAIR!!!! That guy is INCREDIBLE! And did you get a whiff of Old Spice? The REAL stuff? No WONDER he won!"

"Isn't that Cory's friend?"

"What's the penguin doing swimming along...HEY! THAT PENGUIN HAS A ROPE IN ITS BEAK...THAT PENGUIN IS HELPING HIM!!!!":lol::lol::lol::lol:

"That's no rope...that looks like a well-used, well-lubed Ethernet cable, doesn't it? With a Canadian Customs sticker on it..."

"GIVE ME THOSE BINOCULARS...You're CRAZY!":lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

(No problem...glad to put things back on topic._


The wife's investment
Mr. Gillette is a BIG fan of Beaver Island (Get your head out of the gutter, zeni!) It's a lovely place. I have been there often.

CONGRATS on the race...I hope, when you accepted your award, you accepted it on behalf of all your friends here at B&B. I hope you were clean shaven, and I HOPE more than anything, that you positively REEKED of Old Spice (Shulton) when you stepped off the boat.

Finally, I hope your boat was sporting lots of FLAIR when you crossed the finish line. I hope the crowd in boats around you gasped and said "WOW! LOOK at all that FLAIR!!!! That guy is INCREDIBLE! And did you get a whiff of Old Spice? The REAL stuff? No WONDER he won!"

"Isn't that Cory's friend?"

"What's the penguin doing swimming along...HEY! THAT PENGUIN HAS A ROPE IN ITS BEAK...THAT PENGUIN IS HELPING HIM!!!!":lol::lol::lol::lol:

"That's no rope...that looks like a well-used, well-lubed Ethernet cable, doesn't it? With a Canadian Customs sticker on it..."

"GIVE ME THOSE BINOCULARS...You're CRAZY!":lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

(No problem...glad to put things back on topic._

I was clean shaven when we left Charlevoix. However, the third degree sun burn on my face means I won't be able to shave for a few days.

On the subject of ethernet cables and Canada... how did that blue puck shave soap work out for you ... Nivea or Wilkinsons, I don't remember which one it was except that I haven't tried it yet.
Dear Cory:

I gave my phone number to Mr. Gillette last week, and he hasn't called me back. Someone told me that he'd sold his suit and the drycleaning ticket that I put my number on got washed off with Nancy Boy moisturizer.

Could you put me in touch with him? Today is his birthday and I wanted to give him something special!


Uma Thurman

On the subject of ethernet cables and Canada... how did that blue puck shave soap work out for you ... Nivea or Wilkinsons, I don't remember which one it was except that I haven't tried it yet.

Hey Richard, the blue soap bowl was the Wilkinsons and I've betting loving it. Great stuff.

Dear Cory:

I gave my phone number to Mr. Gillette last week, and he hasn't called me back. Someone told me that he'd sold his suit and the drycleaning ticket that I put my number on got washed off with Nancy Boy moisturizer.

Could you put me in touch with him? Today is his birthday and I wanted to give him something special!


Uma Thurman

Don't know what to tell ya, Tom...the lines must've gotten crossed. If you hear from Donna Chang, tell her to call me.

Ok, so I was out shopping yesterday at the local ShopKo (the equivalent of K-Mart and Wal-Mart having kids) and I stumbled across an "Internet Cable" that was on clearance and marked down to $3.49! Score!

Well, sure enough, I get home and am ready to fire up the PC and sound the battle cry here when I look a little closer. This damn thing is for the Nintendo Wii!!! The connectors look identical to me, but I could be wrong.

Anyone with a Wii know if these are cross compatible with PCs? If not, well, false alarm, I guess.

Hey Richard, the blue soap bowl was the Wilkinsons and I've betting loving it. Great stuff.

Thanks! How does it compare to Erasmic & what's the scent? Just general soapy? I may have to prevail on Chip to send me some.


Anyone with a Wii know if these are cross compatible with PCs? If not, well, false alarm, I guess.

I'd say try it and find out. If the plugs fit, you should be OK... and what's the worst that can happen (famous last words)?
(where's the "impending doom" smiley?)
...and what's the worst that can happen (famous last words)?
(where's the "impending doom" smiley?)

I dunno, but as this is my 1000th post, you might hear a seal being broken or see a few skeletal horsemen riding by. Maybe there should be a smiley for that too... :001_smile
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