I'm using a GD to learn honing on my coticule. I bought the GD with a shave ready edge that gave me 12 good shaves but then became pretty tuggy. The edge was still easily able to shave arm hair at skin level, and cut some hair at tree tops, so I figured the bevel should be ok. Tuesday I followed the directions for edge maintenance on coticule.be which basically says to do 30-60 x-strokes on water and then strop. Here's the link -
Being my first honing experience, I wasn't expecting much, but Wednesday's shave was NOTICEABLY improved. Actually, very good on the cheeks but a little bit tuggy on my chin. Good enough that I was able to finish the shave.
I did the maintenance routine again Wednesday, partly to practice my x-strokes. Thursday's shave was actually quite good for 90% of the shave. Chin and soul patch where still a little too tuggy, so I did the maintenance routine again today.
1. When I look at the edge at 60x, the center of the blade looks pretty good, but there are a few micro notches near the heel and toe. They're pretty small. Most are probably 1/32nd to 1/16th of the total bevel height but there is one rather large one that may be exceeding 1/16th of the bevel in height. Will I need to reset the bevel to get rid of those? Unicot? Ellipticot?
2. Undercutting on water. During x-strokes I can see the bevel go from shiny white to black from water wetting the bevel, but I'm not getting a puddle on the hallow of the blade on every stroke. Would that be considered undercutting?
Thanks for your help!
Being my first honing experience, I wasn't expecting much, but Wednesday's shave was NOTICEABLY improved. Actually, very good on the cheeks but a little bit tuggy on my chin. Good enough that I was able to finish the shave.
I did the maintenance routine again Wednesday, partly to practice my x-strokes. Thursday's shave was actually quite good for 90% of the shave. Chin and soul patch where still a little too tuggy, so I did the maintenance routine again today.
1. When I look at the edge at 60x, the center of the blade looks pretty good, but there are a few micro notches near the heel and toe. They're pretty small. Most are probably 1/32nd to 1/16th of the total bevel height but there is one rather large one that may be exceeding 1/16th of the bevel in height. Will I need to reset the bevel to get rid of those? Unicot? Ellipticot?
2. Undercutting on water. During x-strokes I can see the bevel go from shiny white to black from water wetting the bevel, but I'm not getting a puddle on the hallow of the blade on every stroke. Would that be considered undercutting?
Thanks for your help!