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La Toja Shave Stick


Is there a USA vendor for La Toja shave stick? I have heard so many good reports on this soap I thought I would try some. If there is no USA vendor, where is the best place purchase this product.

Best regards,


Is there a USA vendor for La Toja shave stick? I have heard so many good reports on this soap I thought I would try some. If there is no USA vendor, where is the best place purchase this product.

Best regards,


Doug-Check out Superlather.com. Last time I heard, they were out of stock. You should also try VintageScent.com, which is based in Portugal.
Thanks for the reply Bob. I was hoping to find a vendor in the USA that had it in stock but I can certainly hold off for a while. Lord knows, I have no shortage of products. I have a brush on order with Vintage Scent so I may try to add this to the order.

Best regards,

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