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Kiss My Face

It seems to be a great shaving cream but I don't care for the scents. They're a bit too light for me. Of course, for the money, I don't guess I should complain!
If you are having trouble with the lather, you aren't using enough. It takes me one and a half pumps for a 3 pass shave. It's cheap, go nuts!
I got some of the Patchouli from Whole Foods (great store, by the way). At first I thought I accidentally got the unscented! I'm very dissipointed in the scent--or should I say lack thereof.

I used it today and it a LOT of water to become lather-y. But I kept working at it. It shaves really well and I am pleased with it.

The result is excellent--BBS--and you can't complain too much considering the price!
Hey guys, glad you are all having success with KMF. My results have been less than splendid. I had some problems when I first tried to use it with a brush with drying out and disappearing while it was on my face. It didn't work at all. Last night, as my face was recovering from some mistakes the day before, I decided to give it a shot without a brush. the directions say "lather in hand" but i have no idea what they expect to get out of it.

Basically it just got thicker and gooey and still disappeared on my face before I got to all of it. What the heck am I doing wrong???

Well, how many "pumps" are you using? I can make a nice lather with 2 pumps. Are you lathering in a bowl? if so, watch out how much water you mix in there, this cream requires, in my opinion, less water than usual.

Pump cream into the bowl, stir with the brush, then add water (just a little) and keep whipping.

Dry winters seem to be harsh on faces and lathers, at least for me. Try shaving in the shower.
I'm using from the non-pump tube but I had a good quarter size glop in the bowl. I always squeeze my brush out before lathering. It lathered up fine but it just seems real gooey. I can get super long peaks that fold over on themselves. Once its on my face it just kinda soaks in and goes away. No idea what's going on. I mean it works if you keep re-lathering but not worth the effort if you ask me, I'm having much better success with my other stuff.
I'm using from the non-pump tube but I had a good quarter size glop in the bowl. I always squeeze my brush out before lathering. It lathered up fine but it just seems real gooey. I can get super long peaks that fold over on themselves. Once its on my face it just kinda soaks in and goes away. No idea what's going on. I mean it works if you keep re-lathering but not worth the effort if you ask me, I'm having much better success with my other stuff.

My experience with KMF is exactly the opposite of Alfredo's. I think it takes MORE water, not less water, to get a good lather from it.

Two pumps is enough product to shave two people. Just add water bit by bit, swirl 'til it's fully incorporated, and then add a little more. When you think it's just about right, add one or two drops more and swirl it until it shines. Then it's good to go.
You did good. Don't let them tell you any different. KMF lavender superlathered with Honeybee Spa Lavender is one of my favorite combos and I still walk out of the bathroom with my head and shoulders held squared.

After reading the original review I went out and got the Lavender/Shea cream...it is packaged like a ladies hand cream or something but who cares on with the shave...

I get home, wet face, wet hands lather a portion of the cream the size of a nickel and apply. Initial reaction is wow this feels thick, heavy and almost like a heavy grease. Lavender/Shea scent is fabulous, soft and pleasing to my sense of what manly should be.

First pass WTG. Comfortable, smooth, feels like the razor ( a slim adjustable set to 7 with a 4 shaves in Gilette Bleue) is gliding through hot pancake syrup. Not as much whisker removed as my usual first pass routine but acceptable.

I read in a creams review that someone did that they didn't have to apply product again between passes. So what I did was get my hands wet again and started rubbing my face...Hey Presto, Magic lather appears from no where...2nd pass XTG, 3rd pass XTG the other way...4th pass ATG...ALL ON ONE APPLICATION AND JUST ADDING MORE WARM WATER FROM DAMP HANDS?!!

Usually I do a two pass shave to get a very good shave. A three pass shave leaves me raw often...I keep waiting for the weapers, the burn? None comes? 10 minutes later I have not applied any aftershave product at all...face feels smooth (more so than my usual "great shave") moisturised and cool!

I bought the KMF at my local drugstore for $5.20 CAD what an absolute bargain product! I am going to try the other scents...all of them!

Nearly an hour later I feel better than ever, skin is luxurious! I do wonder what in the product makes it feel like I still have a layer of it on my face still?

Anyway thank you for the original review Baba I never would have bothered to try this product otherwise! Gotta get back to work...hand slips on deer guts on the bathroom door, walks into still closed door, breaks nose ruins day...sigh!
After reading the original review I went out and got the Lavender/Shea cream...it is packaged like a ladies hand cream or something but who cares on with the shave...

I get home, wet face, wet hands lather a portion of the cream the size of a nickel and apply. Initial reaction is wow this feels thick, heavy and almost like a heavy grease. Lavender/Shea scent is fabulous, soft and pleasing to my sense of what manly should be.

First pass WTG. Comfortable, smooth, feels like the razor ( a slim adjustable set to 7 with a 4 shaves in Gilette Bleue) is gliding through hot pancake syrup. Not as much whisker removed as my usual first pass routine but acceptable.

I read in a creams review that someone did that they didn't have to apply product again between passes. So what I did was get my hands wet again and started rubbing my face...Hey Presto, Magic lather appears from no where...2nd pass XTG, 3rd pass XTG the other way...4th pass ATG...ALL ON ONE APPLICATION AND JUST ADDING MORE WARM WATER FROM DAMP HANDS?!!

Usually I do a two pass shave to get a very good shave. A three pass shave leaves me raw often...I keep waiting for the weapers, the burn? None comes? 10 minutes later I have not applied any aftershave product at all...face feels smooth (more so than my usual "great shave") moisturised and cool!

I bought the KMF at my local drugstore for $5.20 CAD what an absolute bargain product! I am going to try the other scents...all of them!

Nearly an hour later I feel better than ever, skin is luxurious! I do wonder what in the product makes it feel like I still have a layer of it on my face still?

Anyway thank you for the original review Baba I never would have bothered to try this product otherwise! Gotta get back to work...hand slips on deer guts on the bathroom door, walks into still closed door, breaks nose ruins day...sigh!


Glad it worked so well, it is kind of amazing though. It just doesn't seem like much, and it's inexpensive. Great to hear about how you got so many shaves out of one application! Cool!
Recently I've moved from shaving soaps to creams. The creams stay warmer in my shaving scuttle.

You have talked me into trying Kiss my face. I'll have to see what "flavors" it comes in.
Well this settles it. I keep walking by the KMF section at Wegmans and always think about picking up a tube of Lime. That will change next trip. With my luck, the next time I go they won't have any in stock.
Going to hit a local store today that I found on the KMF website. I hope they have the shaving creams, preferably the scented varieties.

Your review has inspired me to give these a try. I'll let you know how my search goes! :)
Going to hit a local store today that I found on the KMF website. I hope they have the shaving creams, preferably the scented varieties.

Your review has inspired me to give these a try. I'll let you know how my search goes! :)

I went ahead and checked out the local "natural" grocery store. Stocked with it! Now to finish off this C.O. Bigelow before making another cream purchase.
thanks a lot. my plan was to just stick with what i had and not go "that sounds good I should try it." my plan did not work. i was forced to go out and get some to try. vanilla was the only flavor they had so home i went with it. first try with the stuff gave me my best shave so far.

Thank you for "forcing" me to try this stuff.
My and I use KMF vanilla on her legs. Works great, smells great. Haven't tried it on my face, but I will now! Maybe I'll grab some unscented and give superlathering a whirl...
Picked up Kiss My Face unscented shave cream at a local grocery store. It doesn't look like much, I didn't know it comes in a pump style container, so it almost looks like hand lotion. It's the frumpiest, most unmanly looking shave cream I have ever laid eyes on. I have read some things that others have written about it, but I hadn't really given it much thought, I just picked it up because it was on sale and wanted to have a larger variety of creams to choose from when shaving plus it looks like something my wife might use.

Well, rock my cradle and call me baby! This stuff is really, really, really, really good! I mean really good. Top shelf. Numero uno. The King of Kings. EL Supremo de Grande ala Excellente. I'm stupefied. Just didn't expect it to be so darn good.

Why is it so good?

First off, it's slicker than deer gut on a doorknob.
Second, it lathers more than a rabid dog chewing alka-seltzer.
Third, it has more cushion than a sofa factory.
Fourth, it gives your face more protection than a welder's mask.
Fifth, it's so cheap, I paid with a penny and got change.
Sixth, It smells so good, it doesn't even need a scent.
Seventh, its so good that my brush asked me if I could shave him.
Eighth, its so good, I sent Proraso a "Dear John" letter.
Ninth, Its so good, my face left me for it.
Tenth, Its so good the letters BBS send fan mail to the letters KMF.

What do you gentlemen think?

Does Chuck Norris use KMF? :lol:
I'm amused when I hear some of you describe the KMF packaging as lady-like. While it's definitely not "manly," I wouldn't call it feminine, either. It just looks like gender-neutral hand lotion to me.

I mean, if I didn't read English and saw this on the shelf, I wouldn't think it was shaving cream, but I wouldn't necessarily think is was a woman's product, either.

I'm curious what comprises a masculine looking product to you fellas. Is it the colors, the font? I'm very curious.

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