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Kiss My Face

Had a good laugh over OP yesterday when I read it. Later on SWMBO wanted to run into the drug store, so of course I wandered over to the shaving section and they had KMF in mint. I picked it up, and tried it last night, worked great.
Thanks for the memorable review.
Where can i find this stuff to try it? Is it in any normal/common store (Seattle Area if you know it :wink2:). Also, what is TSRC?

EDIT: Doh, just saw the "local grocery store" part of the review.

Yeah, since I began wetshaving, I've been keeping an eye out for various products around the Seattle area.

KMF is EVERYWHERE in Seattle. Safeway, QFC, Bartell's, Rite Aid, Walgreens, Target, and more. Not only at health food stores. Maybe that says something about Seattle. This stuff is really easy to find in the Emerald City. Prices seems to vary from store to store, however.

From a lather standpoint only, forgetting about scents for a minute, how does KMF compare to the almighty Tabac?

It's sort of hard to compare creams and soaps. KMF is slicker than Tabac, but not as dense and cushiony. It does share one great thing with Tabac: it's very forgiving with the water to soap ratio.
I tried my Lime KMF cream this morning; I am in love! The lather is super-slick and cushioning. My only complaint is that I wish the scent was stronger once it has been applied!
I actually prefer Kiss My Face over CO Bigelow. Marched right up to the counter, plunked down the tube of KMF lavender and shea butter along with $5.34, and left with my head held high and my shoulders squared. I refuse to let the giggling from behind the counter bother me.
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I actually prefer Kiss My Face over CO Bigelow. Marched right up to the counter, plunked down the tube of KMF lavender and shea butter along with $5.34, and left with my head held and my shoulders squared. I refuse to let the giggling from behind the counter bother me.

You did good. Don't let them tell you any different. KMF lavender superlathered with Honeybee Spa Lavender is one of my favorite combos and I still walk out of the bathroom with my head and shoulders held squared.
You did good. Don't let them tell you any different. KMF lavender superlathered with Honeybee Spa Lavender is one of my favorite combos and I still walk out of the bathroom with my head and shoulders held squared.
Head butt and a chest bump to you brother.
KMF site locators doesn't show any place locally that sells it. Will have to try vitacost. Looking forward to trying this stuff out. The OP was hysterical.
Got my pump bottle from westcoast when I placed a blade order

Brian, I'm having a great time trying out your superlather advice. Wow, the results have been amazing, thanks for the tip. Now I'm looking forward to mixing in some essential oils to get a nice scent.

I wanted to experiment and try to make some Clubman scented shaving cream. How should I do that? Also, any recipe's out there I should try?
You have inspired me to pull out my KMF lavender for tomorrow mornings shave. It always preforms well. Might even slide down to the store and pick up another scent... and here I thought I was becoming a soap Guy. : )
Hey guys, glad you are all having success with KMF. My results have been less than splendid. I had some problems when I first tried to use it with a brush with drying out and disappearing while it was on my face. It didn't work at all. Last night, as my face was recovering from some mistakes the day before, I decided to give it a shot without a brush. the directions say "lather in hand" but i have no idea what they expect to get out of it.

Basically it just got thicker and gooey and still disappeared on my face before I got to all of it. What the heck am I doing wrong???
I've had less tham stellar results with it myself. Well, at least when I used it with a brush. Seems to go quite well by hand. I even suggested it to my girl to give a shot on her legs. When used with a brush, though, I was constantly getting an extremely frothy lather, even when I felt like I was skimping on the water pretty well. Hmm. Actually, I have an idea about it that I'm going to have to pursue now… if only I hadn't given her my only tube. haha
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