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Kick a man when he's down

Haven't posted on here for over a month as I've not been in a chatty frame of mind.

During the last week of January, I was told by our recently installed Global I.T. Director that "Due to the flattening of the global structure, there was no longer a place for my role in the structure"

It came as a shock as I'd been called into a meeting in my role as senior union representative for the staff (white collar) section.

The impact on the department, including volunteers, was discussed until after about ten minutes, the words "And finally, there's your role" were uttered. :001_huh:

29 years of service terminated in a few words.

He continued to talk about the new structure

"But I was to keep it to myself"

Unbelievable !!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was my last day on the company payroll.

I transferred my work Orange mobile (cellphone) into personal ownership

2 hours later I couldn't access my Orange e-mail account. :confused1

I rang Orange customer services and it transpired that because the phone that the e-mail was associated with had left the original account (Even though it stayed with the network provider) It was now quarantined and the 200 plus e-mails within it were now lost.

They now tell me that it will be at least two weeks before it can be reactivated (Minus the contents) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This just happens to be the e-mail address that I have placed on the CVs that I have sent out.

Back 20+ years ago when the manufacturing jobs were starting to evaporate the smart money seemed to be in "knowledge worker" positions. Sadly, with the modern interconnectedness of the world, the safest jobs now seem to be those that require actual physical contact or presence (people often mention ditch digging). I know I started to see jobs like mine (mechanical engineering design) being outsourced in early 2002.

I was let go 13 months ago (in a bad combination of economic collapse and local automotive industry collapse) and our IT department contributed disproportionately to the carnage.

Given your years of service you're probably in the same age range as I and therein, probably, lies your biggest challenge. I wish you all the best.

- Chris
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That is terrible. I'm very sorry to hear about your misfortune at work. I had a similar run in with my professional job of 8 years not long ago. It will get better for you. Just stay the course, and if you are anything like me, don't hit the bottle too hard!

I'm really sorry to hear of your unfortunate circumstances. I hope they reverse for you soon. I know its tough, and there's not much out there. With your years of experience, and some persistence, you should be able to find a place where everything fits just right. Good luck to you. :thumbup1:
I feel for you. Been there and done that. Worked in manufacturing for years and watched everything get sent to India and China for outsourcing because it was cheaper. Was let go over 3 years ago.
There's an old saying. "Let go and let God." Best thing to do is pray and let Him do it for you. Worked for me.
Bummer, you're just up the road from us. we're just waiting for after the election, when the decide to cut even more of us, to pay for technology that won't see the light of the day for years!

I'm terribly sorry to hear about your ordeal...best of luck in finding new work and getting on stable ground again.
I'm sorry to hear about that. I wish you the best of luck, friend. Things are never as bad as they seem. I think everything happens for a reason. You might be surprised, this might be the opening to a new career that will fulfill you in ways the previous one never could!
Sorry for my downer of a post earlier.

The manner in which your situation was handled was unprofessional, to say the least.

All the best to you.

- Chris

Antique Hoosier

I feel for your plight for sure. Sending rays of sunshine and positive vibes to a loyal B&B brother back in the home country of my family from Florida USA!
Dear All,

Can I just say how overwhelmed I am by your kind wishes

This site displays all that's best in humanity

Thanks to all of you

All the best

Fifty years old and fighting

Seems like it’s the same all over I had near 20years in as well when I got a phone call. It gets better as hard as it is to believe.
Good luck and be inspired!
Damn sorry to hear, especially how unprofessional that your company was to do that to you. Well I can say keep being positive and I guarantee you will find something much better.

Good Luck,
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