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Kevdogg's inspirational Weight Loss thread

What is worse for you splenda or sugar?

Oh boy, did you just open a can of worms. You'll get another 2000 posts on the merits/evils of low-cal sweeteners and artificial foods. :blink:

I have no science to share with you, just personal experience. I use Splenda primarily in my coffee because I'm too weeny to drink it black (also Coffee Mate powder). I don't cook with it. I've tried it a couple times, and it's just kind of meh.

I think this fits into the "Everything in moderation" category. Sugar is a biological compound that man has been consuming for thousands of years in some form or another. However, it packs a fair number of calories and for some (like me) just makes them want more and more. Splenda is some sort of sugar derivative that is extremely low-cal. Not natural, but not likely to be harmful in usual quantities either. Use it as a tool if you find it helpful. YMMV.
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Used to have fun with Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I think Docholliday gave a pretty good summary. For me, sugar vs Splenda falls into pick your risk. Sugar is more calories but more natural. Splenda is less calories, but sugar derived and has unknown effects since we don't have a long history with it. Since you're main battle is weight loss, Splenda is probably the lesser of evils. But with that said, less is probably better for whatever you go with.
Oh boy, did you just open a can of worms. You'll get another 2000 posts on the merits/evils of low-cal sweeteners and artificial foods. :blink:

I have no science to share with you, just personal experience. I use Splenda primarily in my coffee because I'm too weeny to drink it black (also Coffee Mate powder). I don't cook with it. I've tried it a couple times, and it's just kind of meh.

I think this fits into the "Everything in moderation" category. Sugar is a biological compound that man has been consuming for thousands of years in some form or another. However, it packs a fair number of calories and for some (like me) just wants them want more and more. Splenda is some sort of sugar derivative that is extremely low-cal. Not natural, but not likely to be harmful in usual quantities either. Use it as a tool if you find it helpful. YMMV.

+1, artificial sweeteners are the most studied food additive ever and they are not an issue. Sugar is also not an issue if you keep it within reason and it fits into a healthy diet. If you don't want the calories then use the artificial sweeteners.
+1, artificial sweeteners are the most studied food additive ever and they are not an issue. Sugar is also not an issue if you keep it within reason and it fits into a healthy diet. If you don't want the calories then use the artificial sweeteners.

Except for the recent articles that artificial sweeteners cause havoc with your gut biome and may accelerate diabetes.....
Except for the recent articles that artificial sweeteners cause havoc with your gut biome and may accelerate diabetes.....

There are some preliminary studies but as always there is more research needed on this to verify or deny and expand on our knowledge. Those studies are interesting but not conclusive, but if you are concerned then I would definitely avoid as they aren't a mandatory item in any diet.:001_cool:
I just discovered this amazing thread. I like to joke with Mr. Kevdogg on the restraint threads, but I never knew of your struggle before.

13, no 14 years since I threw drink and drugs off the cliff. No AA - not a 12-step fan, but I did daily cognitive behavior therapy for six months.

There is success for you, Mr. Kevdogg. Long trail, but you have people you don't even now thinking the best for you.
I just discovered this amazing thread. I like to joke with Mr. Kevdogg on the restraint threads, but I never knew of your struggle before.

13, no 14 years since I threw drink and drugs off the cliff. No AA - not a 12-step fan, but I did daily cognitive behavior therapy for six months.

There is success for you, Mr. Kevdogg. Long trail, but you have people you don't even now thinking the best for you.

Glad you found my thread. I am changing slowly. I am overcoming a hurdle now and hope to have results soon. Been walking more, but been over many days.
I just started logging my food intake in MFP again. I got some of this protein powder at Walmart the other day.


I made a shake with it in the morning and it was pretty tasty, and I wasn't hungry till 2pm. I wasn't really hungry even then, but thought I should eat something. Adding this should lower the grocery bill, and lower my fat and cholesterol intake that normally goes along with most protein sources. There looks to be lots of recipes that I make with protein powder too if I get bored with shakes.
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