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Kevdogg's inspirational Weight Loss thread

Good advice as I eat faster than a vacuum when hungry and as fast as one regularly.

Slow down. Count how many times you chew each bite and add 1 more for each bite until you are chewing each bite a LOT. This will help you slow down from gulping down your food to getting it masticated enough to be digested. A couple quick whacks at it then swallow and you are moving bulk through your system without getting the nutritional value out of what you are eating. Chew chew chew, then chew some more.


I am a cookie monster, who loves a good cookie, and ice cream. I did buy frozen yogurt to help with the upcoming summer ice cream cravings ( more than 1/2 the calories saved by that swap :) )

Move to standard yoghurt. I find I enjoy it as much as ice cream. You can get all fruit (mashed fruit without sugar, sort of like preserves but not sweetened) if you need something more "tasty" then plain or vanilla yogurt. I mix both plain and vanilla together to help cut down on the sugar.

I need to remember that. even if I boil 3-4 eggs, it still is not a lot of calories.

hard boiled eggs are a good alternative but keep the quantity within reason. Eating too much of anything takes it from ok to NOT ok

The pizza last night was one of those late night I'm hungry and want something cooked NOW moments. I was planning on going home and heating up some leftovers, but when I was driving by, I had the $ in my pocket to get the pizza and crazy bread, and i caved. Simple as that. I can try to post snippets of my meals when I can, but the best way for people to get an accurate picture is to do what you did on MFP if they want to follow me on there (kevdogg329)

Eat nothing after 7 pm. It's hard to do and I have problems with it as I have always been a late night snacker but I am trying to adhere to this. If you are going to eat at 10 pm stay up to 2 am to digest. You won't do this but think about how much longer you need to stay up to digest and maybe you might cut back your time line to close to 7 pm.

What I have found helps is when I get hungry I go to bed, regardless of the time.

Thanks for posting the MFP.com link. I've started using it and find that it shows me where I need to improve to keep dropping the last few lbs that do not want to leave me :sad:

Appreciate the help. Also You can do it as well!!!! I know you can if you put your mind to it. That is my major difference: I have determined to make this stick. I am not giving back the 35 lb victory without a fight.

Never give up. A one day set back is nothing. Ignore it, move on, try not to let it happen too frequently. One day a month to indulge is a good thing. It helps keep everything in perspective to enjoy yourself once a month.
Originally Posted by kevdogg329
its literally taking my life away from me. (because I chose to let it. I choose to fight now!!)

I want to lose weight but I struggle with sticking to a routine and cannot afford to join a gym. (Do not need a gym to lose weight, and am getting into a new routine of healthier eating)

whenever I start any type of weight loss I go good for about a week, then it all falls apart. (Been almost 2 months now and am sticking with the fight even though I have had a few bumps)

I am not going to be around too much longer if I do not do something dramatic soon. (Am working on this day by day)

which keeps the doc visits to a minimum of when I am sick and need meds for healing. (Have a dr appt next month, and will get all checked then. Found a new doc as well. )

but I don't know if I have the 'why' yet. (My WHY is because I want kids someday and want to live to see great-grandkids grow up)

I do not know how to cook many items, and those things I know how to cook are bad for me (Still True, but I can make salads and cut back on butter, and foods that are bad for me)

Also my wife likes to have dinner waiting on me, however I never was taught to eat healthy, so I struggle with liking healthy food. (Still True, but am working slowly on eating healthier foods. )

I do not do a lot of the grocery shopping, so I have access to what my wife gets at the store. (I have been going with her more to the stores, and making choices to buy fruits/veggies over chips and cookies)

It does not help when the bad food is cheap and the good food is expensive. (Our grocery bill surprisingly was very close to when we bough all junk food. Fresh does not last as long, but only costs more if it goes to waste)

I stopped tracking as I was getting disappointed at how much of a pig I really was, and always gave in to my food desires. (I still can be a pig at times, but now instead of letting it to cave to food, I use it to get back into the fight).
Today was 4106 of 3410. Started off with no salad materials. As today was market day. I ended up eating pout every meal. Also last night my wife asked me to make cookies. I forgot how addictive they were. I ended up with a sub for breakfast and lunch. Cookies as a snack as I was not sure of supper and pizza for supper as it was cheap and quick. I ended up going grocery shopping and walked off most the extra calories (was only over by just under 100 including the walking) and we did buy for us a lot healthier forod. No new sweets chips or crackers. I still am determined to keep fighting even with the failure today. I did not lost 35 lbs to give it back on stupidity.

It would be brutal for me to bake anything, even cookies while i am on a strict diet.... i would stay away from anyone baking any cookies, let alone bake some myself. I would cave in just with the process and the sweet smell.
Slow down. Count how many times you chew each bite and add 1 more for each bite until you are chewing each bite a LOT. This will help you slow down from gulping down your food to getting it masticated enough to be digested. A couple quick whacks at it then swallow and you are moving bulk through your system without getting the nutritional value out of what you are eating. Chew chew chew, then chew some more.


That is a Ecellent piece of advice. I will work on slowing down. I find eating at the kitchen island or table I eat slower than in the recliner. I have moved away from eating in front of the TV accordingly and that has helped a little. I now need to get talking while eating :eek:)

Move to standard yoghurt. I find I enjoy it as much as ice cream. You can get all fruit (mashed fruit without sugar, sort of like preserves but not sweetened) if you need something more "tasty" then plain or vanilla yogurt. I mix both plain and vanilla together to help cut down on the sugar.
I LOVE plain vanilla yougurt!!! In fact I prefer it to the ones with fruits in it. I thought the frozen yougurt would be good because in the summer I love milkshakes, and making my own with the frozen yougurt would help save many calories if i get a craving for one. Also when my wife and MIL are craving ice cream it is a healthier treat than the ice cream coming into the home (I know me if it is in the home I will eat it ....see the cookie example) If I have a low calorie option, and they will eat it, it will help me with my battle. Sometimes simple swaps make a huge difference

hard boiled eggs are a good alternative but keep the quantity within reason. Eating too much of anything takes it from ok to NOT ok

Very True. I don't know where that is however.

Eat nothing after 7 pm. It's hard to do and I have problems with it as I have always been a late night snacker but I am trying to adhere to this. If you are going to eat at 10 pm stay up to 2 am to digest. You won't do this but think about how much longer you need to stay up to digest and maybe you might cut back your time line to close to 7 pm.

What I have found helps is when I get hungry I go to bed, regardless of the time.

I am a late night snacker as well, but have been trying to curb it since starting this process.

Thanks for posting the MFP.com link. I've started using it and find that it shows me where I need to improve to keep dropping the last few lbs that do not want to leave me :sad:

Glad MyFitnessPal has been helping you as well :thumbup:

Never give up. A one day set back is nothing. Ignore it, move on, try not to let it happen too frequently. One day a month to indulge is a good thing. It helps keep everything in perspective to enjoy yourself once a month.

I am NOT giving up. It's a battle some days you move forward, while others you get moved back some. As long as I keep forward progress I am doing well!.
I would like to share some things that keep my weight under control. For a midday meal I have a Smoothie. Snacking only on fruits and vegetables.
It would be brutal for me to bake anything, even cookies while i am on a strict diet.... i would stay away from anyone baking any cookies, let alone bake some myself. I would cave in just with the process and the sweet smell.

I caved because my wife asked me to bake them (She says mine come out better than hers, which is because I watch the timer like a hawk....that might help with other recipes (Light bulb goes off) :thumbup:

Nice Job Kev. 15 pounds to go and I'll be sending out that Slim!

Am REALLY looking forward to hitting that goal! Will be equivalent to losing a 50 lb bag of dog food...man those things are HEAVY!!
I hope that you put some very serious effort into slowing down by chewing each mouthful completely. I use 40 chews per bite as a baseline. It is EXTREMELY difficult because your chewing action will tend to move the food back after 5-10 chew. You will have to fight that. I have found that chewing each bite more does three things.

1. I enjoy my food more. I get all of the all important taste out of it and I focus on the other sensations that I enjoy also.

2. It slows me down and helps my blood sugar to catch up with my intake making me feel full before the plate is empty. The next big trick is to push the plate away BEFORE it's empty. I know that was/is a significant issue for me.

3. My digestion is better. It gives me more energy, makes me more comfortable after the meal and "sticks to my ribs" better, helping prevent overeating at the next meal.

One caveat, after 2 years of working in this, it is still a struggle. I find my eating speed is deeply ingrained and may actually have a physical driver in me.

Learning to change your habits will provide great benefits. Some of the advice here will work for you and some will not. It's your job to keep plugging until you find what works.
Added you on fitness pal Kev, anyone else have an ID?

mine is vitaminshave

I am off to grocery store to get produce soon, I am home from work with gout in my ankle.

Loving the thread, could not read all of it but I read a lot.

If you are overweight, let's do this together... regardless if it is 10 lbs or 300 lbs, I will chime in as well.

I am 30, have been big all my life, after high school I was less active and gained weight. I ranged from 215, 220 in my teens, and have peaked at 320. I am currently down to 298, and I am 6 feet tall.

I am active, very active, I walk an estimated 2 miles a day and climb ladders like a fit person. I work a labor intensive job but I eat like crap. Being lazy when I get home, and poor time management have made me fail at my weight loss goals.

My breakfast as of late was a stop at the Dunkin Donuts conveniently on the way to work, I would get turkey sausage, egg white, and cheese, on an everything bagel or a croissant. Lunch is limited where I work and I hate packing it because of the environments I work in, I wash up well and get away for my work... so I may do Subway but it's rarely a 6 inch healthy sub, and it is junk quality food in my opinion... or hunger wins and Chick fil a, the cookout (burger place), or Hardees wins... most days I get a salad with chicken, and I usually only use a few drops of dressing, but some days I feel like I deserve a burger and fries, and a sweet tea, and I know that I really do not.

I have seen Fat, sick, and nearly dead, it inspired me to drop 300 dollars on an Omega juicer, and I have not touched it in weeks, however produce was not in good shape and expensive, but now it is more in season and I plan to get started very soon

I generally don't eat bad, but when I am hungry I cave in to carbs too easily, everyone in my life questions why I am overweight because I eat better then most of my healthy weight co workers/friends. I love healthy food and I cook, love cooking.

Tonight's meal plan was cornish hen, some 3 cheese tortellini pasta, plenty of veggies, we love the frozen trader joes stuff, so probably spinach, and carrots.

However, after seeing this thread I will likely cut the pasta out and eat less of the hen as I normally do.

I can eat 2 greek yogurts (either chobani or fage) for breakfast and still be hungry way before my lunch. So I justify the breakfast sandwich, and I shouldn't.

I drink water all the time.

I do not drink Soda, haven't in years, sweet tea was my weakness but now I do lemon water when I am out to eat.

Pizza is a rare treat, maybe once a month and I typically have 2 slices, sometimes 3 but I have never been that guy who eats a whole pizza.

Beer... sigh... you are my main weakness and I hate you... I love craft beer, I love you and you contribute to my gout, my weight, and my awesome sense of humor when I have had enough of you. But you will eventually be gone from my life, right?

sorry I needed to have the talk :lol:

We constantly cook chicken, turkey, we have cut beef out for the most part, lots of veggies and salad mix.

Our (girlfriend and I) weakness are these baked cookies at our local kroger, 6 to a box, which will last us a while actually... we have 1 a day and skip days in between...
We like whole milk from a local creamery... I guess 2% and then skim in in order soon... sometimes we get the chocolate milk, but it is enjoyed slowly and in moderation.
We don't do much else for bad snacks, no candy, rare potato chips, mostly water or a cup of juice, I think I could get my girlfriend more active after work... I walked, crawled, climbed, and sweated all day, but she works at an office, so maybe I can find a few more minutes of energy and walk with her at night. We own bikes and love bike riding but have not gone yet this year.

Anyways, enough about me, although it really helps to say your problems and be honest with yourself.

I feel better.

Going to have a yogurt so I do not cave in while shopping, and get a few things for juicing and dinner.

Maybe a fresh juice for lunch is in order.

Thanks for listening

Thank you Kev for making this thread, you already inspired me bro... you keep up the good work man

Thanks to everyone who replied to this thread, I am amazed at how many have and how many people have stuck around to keep motivating.

Sorry for any typos, hard to type on phone

See yall
Added you on fitness pal Kev, anyone else have an ID?

mine is vitaminshave

I sent you a friend request on MyFitnessPal. Please set it up so others can see your food diary. It helps with being accountable. Also make sure you enter in all food, water and exercise.

I am off to grocery store to get produce soon, I am home from work with gout in my ankle.

Loving the thread, could not read all of it but I read a lot.

There is a lot of good advice on here. Sort through it all and see what will help YOU. what helps me might be different, so do not be afraid to ask questions, or advice.

If you are overweight, let's do this together... regardless if it is 10 lbs or 300 lbs, I will chime in as well.

I am 30, have been big all my life, after high school I was less active and gained weight. I ranged from 215, 220 in my teens, and have peaked at 320. I am currently down to 298, and I am 6 feet tall.

I am active, very active, I walk an estimated 2 miles a day and climb ladders like a fit person. I work a labor intensive job but I eat like crap. Being lazy when I get home, and poor time management have made me fail at my weight loss goals.

That will help with the weight loss. The eating unhealthy will take away any gains from exercise. Re-read what I put in red. Read it again. Change that attitude or you will not succeed!! I am speaking from personal experience because I was the same way!

My breakfast as of late was a stop at the Dunkin Donuts conveniently on the way to work, I would get turkey sausage, egg white, and cheese, on an everything bagel or a croissant. Lunch is limited where I work and I hate packing it because of the environments I work in, I wash up well and get away for my work... so I may do Subway but it's rarely a 6 inch healthy sub, and it is junk quality food in my opinion... or hunger wins and Chick fil a, the cookout (burger place), or Hardees wins... most days I get a salad with chicken, and I usually only use a few drops of dressing, but some days I feel like I deserve a burger and fries, and a sweet tea, and I know that I really do not.

I have seen Fat, sick, and nearly dead, it inspired me to drop 300 dollars on an Omega juicer, and I have not touched it in weeks, however produce was not in good shape and expensive, but now it is more in season and I plan to get started very soon

I generally don't eat bad, but when I am hungry I cave in to carbs too easily, everyone in my life questions why I am overweight because I eat better then most of my healthy weight co workers/friends. I love healthy food and I cook, love cooking.

Tonight's meal plan was cornish hen, some 3 cheese tortellini pasta, plenty of veggies, we love the frozen trader joes stuff, so probably spinach, and carrots.

I want you to not change anything this next week and log on MyFitnessPal. I then want you to post your weekly totals, then start to work on meeting your goals. I want an accurate snapshot of your current diet. Might sound strange, but that was one thing that helped me was to see how poorly I eat and then I started this journey.

After a week, post your progress so everyone can help with ideas to help YOU hit your goal.

However, after seeing this thread I will likely cut the pasta out and eat less of the hen as I normally do.

I can eat 2 greek yogurts (either chobani or fage) for breakfast and still be hungry way before my lunch. So I justify the breakfast sandwich, and I shouldn't.

I drink water all the time.

I do not drink Soda, haven't in years, sweet tea was my weakness but now I do lemon water when I am out to eat.

Pizza is a rare treat, maybe once a month and I typically have 2 slices, sometimes 3 but I have never been that guy who eats a whole pizza.

Beer... sigh... you are my main weakness and I hate you... I love craft beer, I love you and you contribute to my gout, my weight, and my awesome sense of humor when I have had enough of you. But you will eventually be gone from my life, right?

sorry I needed to have the talk :lol:

I am thankful to have never tried a beer, so i don't know that battle. Treat it how I treat soda. I can have one 12-16 of soda max a day. No more. If you want to go to 0, then that is even better.

We constantly cook chicken, turkey, we have cut beef out for the most part, lots of veggies and salad mix.

Our (girlfriend and I) weakness are these baked cookies at our local kroger, 6 to a box, which will last us a while actually... we have 1 a day and skip days in between...
We like whole milk from a local creamery... I guess 2% and then skim in in order soon... sometimes we get the chocolate milk, but it is enjoyed slowly and in moderation.
We don't do much else for bad snacks, no candy, rare potato chips, mostly water or a cup of juice, I think I could get my girlfriend more active after work... I walked, crawled, climbed, and sweated all day, but she works at an office, so maybe I can find a few more minutes of energy and walk with her at night. We own bikes and love bike riding but have not gone yet this year.

Anyways, enough about me, although it really helps to say your problems and be honest with yourself.

I feel better.

Going to have a yogurt so I do not cave in while shopping, and get a few things for juicing and dinner.

Maybe a fresh juice for lunch is in order.

Thanks for listening

I would argue that you need to eat a decent breakfast. Yogurt alone is NOT a meal! I used to skip breakfast, then eat 1000-1500 (or more) calories for lunch

Thank you Kev for making this thread, you already inspired me bro... you keep up the good work man

Thanks to everyone who replied to this thread, I am amazed at how many have and how many people have stuck around to keep motivating.

Sorry for any typos, hard to type on phone

See yall

Not a problem as I do many posts from my iPhone. I know you can do this as well, and reclaim your life. Whatever we can do to help, let us know.
On another note. I was thinking of getting a Nintendo Wii and Wii FIT to start to workout at the house (Actually ask for it for my upcoming birthday from family). Anyone have any feedback on this thought?
The weight limit on a Wii Fit is similar to the traditional scale (~330 pounds). That doesn't mean that you can't explore some active video games though. Many Wii games can be played standing up. You could also look at getting the prior generation xbox with kinect. I think they are pretty reasonably priced, and if you play the right games they will encourage you to move just as much or more than Wii games.
The weight limit on a Wii Fit is similar to the traditional scale (~330 pounds). That doesn't mean that you can't explore some active video games though. Many Wii games can be played standing up. You could also look at getting the prior generation xbox with kinect. I think they are pretty reasonably priced, and if you play the right games they will encourage you to move just as much or more than Wii games.

Was not aware of that weight limit on the Wii Fit.
Best way to lose weight is to join a support group like weight watchers. They have the best rating for helping folks lose weight and keep it off.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
One thing I have learned on this journey is to not expect perfection out of myself. I am going to have bad days. I just can not let those bad days multiply into bad days In a row or weeks or months.

Exactly. It's all about how you deal with adversity.

If I can use a sports analogy, some teams will crumble and become demoralised if they make a bad play, give up a goal or three, or whatever. The are "fragile". It is so easy to break their will.

Other teams and athletes are great at "getting back up" and pushing back even harder.

Today 3423 of 3480. Barely under.

If I understand the numbers, your goal is to hit the number (3480 here) in order to keep up with your hoped-for weight-loss schedule. Just hitting your goal at all is "mission accomplished" ... anything below is (pardon the expression) gravy!

Today was 4106 of 3410. Started off with no salad materials. As today was market day. I ended up eating pout every meal. Also last night my wife asked me to make cookies. I forgot how addictive they were. I ended up with a sub for breakfast and lunch. Cookies as a snack as I was not sure of supper and pizza for supper as it was cheap and quick. I ended up going grocery shopping and walked off most the extra calories (was only over by just under 100 including the walking) and we did buy for us a lot healthier forod. No new sweets chips or crackers. I still am determined to keep fighting even with the failure today. I did not lost 35 lbs to give it back on stupidity.

Today sucked, but oh well. At least those cookies tasted good, right?

Fair enough ... pobody's nerfect ... file it and forget it.

Tomorrow, you prove your resiliency, get back on the horse, and hit your numbers.
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