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Kevdogg's inspirational Weight Loss thread

Careful, Kev. If SWMBO realizes that you can walk and shop for hours....

then she needs to come up with $$$ to spend :001_tongu

In all honesty we don't go overboard with our shopping, as we are not wealthy My Wife is one of the best frugal shoppers I have ever met. She seems to find deals in stores (and i find them online). We both have things we like to collect: hers are purses and shoes (but she does not go overboard), mine are razors and fountain pens.
One thing I have learned on this journey is to not expect perfection out of myself. I am going to have bad days. I just can not let those bad days multiply into bad days In a row or weeks or months. I am so grateful that you all are behind me on this journey. Having support through this is what has kept me on track this long. Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement and advice. I am in your debt in gratitude

On another note I want to share that I am raiding the closet of clothes that I could not wear due to them being too small and they are starting to fit. My jeans today was a pair that was so tight when I started this journey that I called them my skinny jeans and that I felt like they were like a girdle. Today they fit like a normal pair of pants with room in the legs. I am losing weight. I have not weighed in recently but my cloths tell me that I have shrunk some. I can now walk through the store without needing to always hold onto the cart for support or use the provided electric wheelchairs. I actually walked beside my wife shopping today without having to have her wait for me to catch up. I walked the entire length of store and ii did. Not need to sit down for a few minutes to rest. I am very encouraged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dont go just by weight pounds as an indicator to weightloss progress, let the mirror and waistline tell you. I just lost 18 pounds as of March 12th 2014, but my pants and waistline is what i really go by not just the weight scales.
It's all about little changes.

Little changes in how you think about food.

Little changes in how you feel from day to day.

You should see a slow steady progress. Don't expect earth shattering changes. One day you will wake up and find that you need a new belt or you need to get more holes in the one you have been using. Then it will all hit home!!!

The ticket is to eat healthy. Moderate exercise. You should start to feel better, both physically and emotionally. Soon you will be able to do more than you could before.

Getting into a healthy lifestyle is a game changing event and not something that happens over night.

Slow, steady progress is what you need to work toward.

If you slip up one day. Just look to the next day and forget about today. It's all water under the bridge in the long run.
Hi Kevin,

Sounds like you are off to a great start! Unfortunately I haven't had time to read the entire thread up until now, but I would like to share a little advice.

In the words of one the wisest people I've met (an old university professor of mine):
"Eat FOOD, [nothing artificial, heavily refined, or processed]
mostly vegetables, [self explanatory]
and not too much." [neither stuff yourself nor starve yourself]

Also as other's have probably pointed out, potatoes aren't great, they are calorie dense and low in other nutrients. I'm told corn isn't great either, plus it's a magnet for butter and salt. Many condiments are pretty terrible for you too, like ketchup. Does American packaging law require nutritional information printed on the container? Sodas, and most juices are also pretty bad.

You will have days were you slip; don't treat your slip ups as failures, because failures can easily become reasons to quit. Instead use them as learning experiences and figure what made you slip, then avoid that happening in the future.

Finally, work at it slow and steady. Gradual losses are healthier, and more likely to stay off. There is a body of research that shows 'fantastic' losses generally get put back on plus some a few months down the road.

Best of luck!
Hi Kevin,

Sounds like you are off to a great start! Unfortunately I haven't had time to read the entire thread up until now, but I would like to share a little advice.

In the words of one the wisest people I've met (an old university professor of mine):
"Eat FOOD, [nothing artificial, heavily refined, or processed]
mostly vegetables, [self explanatory]
and not too much." [neither stuff yourself nor starve yourself]

Michael Pollan was your university professor?
As others have said, keep up the good work. Your determination is inspirational to all of us as we face our personal challenges.


Used to have fun with Commander Yellow Pantyhose
You're doing great Kevin! And besides your clothes fitting better, your new custom title looks like it fits pretty good too!
Better. Had to run into the store tonight, was able to move fast and got back to the car without anything hurting.
Was able to wear one of my favorite shirts today buttoned. 2 months ago it was an over shirt with at shirt underneath. I am feeling better and am able to move better. I have been trying to take a Cesar salad to work for lunch as well. Also taking carrots and apples for snacks. Still getting treats but not as big or often. Hoping to start to add more walking in soon
Was able to wear one of my favorite shirts today buttoned. 2 months ago it was an over shirt with at shirt underneath. I am feeling better and am able to move better. I have been trying to take a Cesar salad to work for lunch as well. Also taking carrots and apples for snacks. Still getting treats but not as big or often. Hoping to start to add more walking in soon

That gives me a much better picture than simply your calorie count. You certainly have plenty of things to help with your motivation- great work!
That gives me a much better picture than simply your calorie count. You certainly have plenty of things to help with your motivation- great work!

Forgot to mention that my wife pulled me aside on our way out with friends after church to tell me that she was proud of me for losing weight. She can see a difference in my weight as well. I am munching on carrot sticks at I type this instead of chips :eek:) little changes.
Forgot to mention that my wife pulled me aside on our way out with friends after church to tell me that she was proud of me for losing weight. She can see a difference in my weight as well. I am munching on carrot sticks at I type this instead of chips :eek:) little changes.

This post just made me smile big!!! Good for you Kev, and I'm really thrilled to hear that your wife is noticing the changes too and being really supportive for both of your journeys. And bonus points for the carrot sticks!! :thumbup:
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